Research in Business and Management
Details of what you are expected to do:
- The learning outcomes being assessed (Please refer to page 6)
Research Proposal – Abstract : Assessment of ILOs 1 & 4
Research Proposal – Introduction : Assessment of ILOs 1
Research Proposal – Literature Review : Assessment of ILOs 1 & 3
Research Proposal – Research Methodology : Assessment of ILOs 1, 2, & 4
2.1 Scenario: You work in the marketing department of a small UK Company that makes and distributes cold drinks. The Managing Director is considering diversifying the product range by introducing a new product, and has decided that this new product will be bottled water.
The Managing Director has decided that promotion of the bottled water using social media could be the best way forward, but recognises that initial research is required to more fully understand the market opportunity, and the appropriateness of using social media as a marketing tool, before making any significant investment of time and money. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW
You have been asked to develop a research proposal for this initial research. Your research proposal must contain the following sections:
Research Proposal – Abstract (200 words): You need to create a suitable and appropriate unstructured abstract for your research proposal, demonstrating your abilities to identify the important points within the proposal, articulating them coherently in an organised manner within a restrictive word count, and taking into account any best practice advice given in the lectures.
Research Proposal – Introduction (300 words): The introduction must provide a brief overview of the background and context for the research. Also included in the introduction must be the research aim, research objectives and your prima face research questions.
Research Proposal – Literature Review (2,000 words): You will need to write an appropriate literature review demonstrating critical thinking, strong arguments and an appreciation of the context for the subject matter. It is expected that your literature review will consider both the business opportunity for selling bottled water, and also the marketing opportunity presented by promoting bottle water using social media. The literature review should take into account any best practice advice given in the lectures, and will conclude with both a summary of your findings and an indication of your recommendations for the Managing Director to consider in terms of the future research to be undertaken by the company.
Important Literature Review Information: You started the Literature Review element of this task, and saved 6 interesting looking documents to use in the literature review, when suddenly, the internet stopped working due to an unexpected electrical storm. As you now have no internet access, you must only use information contained in these 6 documents (these 6 documents are provided in unit materials section of the unit area on ‘Brightspace’), i.e. you can make reference to these 6 documents and you can also make reference to any other documents that these 6 documents cite, but your knowledge of any other such documents is restricted to the views and information provided in the 6 documents that you have downloaded, and you are not permitted to seek additional resources for the literature review.
Research Proposal – Methodology (500 words): Your methodology needs to clearly articulate the research which you conclude should be undertaken, with an explanation of why you consider that this will be the most appropriate research to inform the Managing Director. Your methodology should include your selected philosophy, strategy, approach, method, sampling and time-horizon. Your methodology should be comprehensive and coherent, encompassing all of relevant elements discussed in the lectures that are required to ensure that any data obtained from the project is robust, valid, reliable and ethical. You may use any relevant references to support your methodology section.
Important Methodology Information:
The proposed research is scheduled to start in June 2019 and must not take longer than 2 months to complete.
Your methodology must include a Workplan and a Gantt chart indicating how and when the research will be undertaken, both of which are not included in the word count.
Research Proposal – References: All sources must be cited correctly and listed in a reference list, using the BU 2018 Harvard system. The updated guide to the BU 2018-19 Harvard system can be found by following the link below.
The overall word limit for the assignment is 3,000 words +/- 10%.
The inclusion of additional material in appendices is not allowed for this assignment.
The assignment must be submitted in electronic form via ‘Brightspace’ by 12 (Noon) on 30th April 2019. No hardcopy is required.
Assignment Indicative Marking Guidelines
Research Proposal – Abstract:
- Demonstration of the ability to write an accurate abstract reflecting a specified body of work (5%)
- Use of structure, style and overall coherence appropriate for an abstract (5%)
Research Proposal – Introduction:
- Clear and concise background and context to the research proposal (5%)
- Appropriate research aim, research objectives and research questions (15%)
Research Proposal – Literature Review:
- Demonstration of the ability to undertake a literature review of specified papers including the understanding of subject matter and context (10%)
- Evidence of critical thinking to analyze key issues (15%)
- Accurate and appropriate use of referencing and citations techniques (10%)
- Use of an appropriate writing style and overall coherence (10%)
Research Proposal – Methodology:
- Demonstration of understanding the application and implementation of a coherent and appropriate research framework (15%)
- Evidence of understanding ethical, accessibility, validity and reliability considerations (10%)