Environmental Management for Sustainable Development

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Environmental Management for Sustainable Development

Topic: How to foster a more justice and equitable relationship with corporations.

Martin shkreli, outsourcing (nike? Apple? ), toxic waste disposal

The ecology of modern day society functions in terms of production and consumption of goods and services. Society is dominated by corporations that are fueling us with products and services that advocate the well being of society through advertisements, influences in the media, and government, but their ethics proves otherwise. Unfortunately the only well-being corporations are concerned with is the profit of stockholders’ pockets. The ambition of many corporations is driven by greed and money. Many companies do not care for the repercussion of cheap labor and toxic waste dumping that is affiliated with mass production. They also do not acknowledge their contribution to pollution and harm to society. Corporations should promote an environment that focuses on innovative approaches that will benefit the environment and more ethical and humane approaches that will create a more sustainable and efficient business.


Environmental Management for Sustainable Development: Student Sample

In recent times the corporate world has gained dominion over the industrial world. These corpora are profit oriented in their operations(Panwar,4-13). They have little regard for ethics only to use them as smokescreens to hide their real intent. This is the exploitation of the society in all ways possible if only to make an extra buck. This has seen the society suffer greatly under the corporate cultures. These paper discusses in depth the ways in which the corporate community has exploited labor, environment and the market to….Continue Reading….

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