Comparing and Contrasting two Leadership Theories
The final assignment is a case study – Comparing and contrasting two leadership theories (Transformational leadership theory compared to Leader-member exchange theory).
An essay of Comparison & Contrast takes two aspects of an issue and compares them. The introduction of the essay presents the context for comparing the two different aspects. Also, the introduction presents why (thesis statement) you should compare and contrast the two aspects. And then in the body of the essay, you will develop a point-by-point comparison by giving examples of the advantages/disadvantages and pros/cons according to different situations. The conclusion of the essay is a summation of the analyses by way of the comparison to decide when one aspect is better than the other.
Your analysis will should demonstrate third year capabilities for conducting thorough and detail research and critical thinking. The essay must be properly formatted with cover page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion and references (12). Of course, the essay will have a cover page, an introduction, and a conclusion.