Annotated Bibliography: Final Essay

Annotated Bibliography: Final Essay

Essay Requirements

  • Minimum of 10 pages in length
  • Double-spaced
  • Size 12 font, Times New Roman
  • Black ink
  • At least 5 reliable, scholarly sources
  • At least 3 other sources – they do not need to be scholarly, but they should be reliable
  • Cover page
  • APA formatted citations are required

Possible Thesis

From being a child to a criminal, juveniles have certain rights that entitles them to be viewed as juveniles, such the seriousness of the crime, age and their mental state. Although, a committed minor can be charged as a juvenile with less time depending on seriousness of the crime, they can be charged as an adult. Although, the Juvenile system isn’t as strict as the adult criminal system, children in the system still face injustice that impact their mental health.

Examples for use in the Annotated Bibliography Paper:

  1. U.S. Department of Justice.(Updated  May 19, 2020). RIGHTS OF JUVENILES. Retrieved from
  2. Ryan, F. (2014). Juvenile Rights. In Landmark Cases in Forensic Psychiatry. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
  3. Del Carmen, R., & Trulson, C. (2006). Juvenile justice : the system, process, and the law . Thomson/Wadsworth.
  4. Mukwende, T. (2014). Reform, reintegrate, rehabilitate – balancing restorative justice and juvenile offender rehabilitation : feature. De Rebus, 546, 33–35.

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