Annotated Bibliography: The Evolution of Chess
Timeline of the Evolution of the Game Of Chess
The 6th century
In this century, the game of chaturanga originated in India. This is where other board games like chess, Janggi and Shogi can trace their origins. In this century too, the game as was known by its Arabic name shatranj is mentioned. This transition from chaturanga to shatranj was because the “Ch” did not exist in Arabic and hence changing that to “sh” and making a small change to the ending too. This was between the years of 636 and 651 when the Persian empire was conquered by the Arab armies. This game was played on an 8 x 8 un-checkered board with each player having 16 pieces. The Islamic armies spread it across areas of North Africa and Spain. From there, it spread in almost every direction reaching India, turkey and to Mongolian horsemen (Cazaux, and Knowlton).
Latrunculi was a roman game played by two opposing sides and was first documented in 116 to 124 BC. Tafl is said to have developed from this as a game of strategy popular in some European countries before the arrival of chess.
According to Japanese scholars, the Japanese chess- Shogi was introduced around the reign of Emperor Kimmei at around AD. 540. However, this is highly unlikely as there was no evidence of chess at the time and the game most likely came to Japan directly from China or via Korea around 1000- 1200 AD (Cazaux, and Knowlton).
The 9th century.
The earliest treatise of the rules of the game which is credited to the Arabs dates back to this century and phrases such as “Shah mat” which translate to the modern-day Checkmate existed in the end game rules (Cazaux, and Knowlton).
The 11th Century
By the late 11th century the characteristic dark and light squares of chess are introduced. In this period too, the earlier versions of Chinese chess were played, and some historians believe the Indians introduced it as it can be interpreted as the “elephant game” (Gollon).
The 13th to 14th century
Between the 13th and 14th century the rules of the pawns being able to move two places on the first move and the en passant rule were introduced respectively. Between 1422 and 1525 various new rules in chess are adopted. In 1422, the rule that a stalemate is a draw is introduced. In 1450 the movement of the radical change to the movement of the queen piece was introduced. Between 1475 and 1525 the modern moves of the mad queen, bishop, and castling are adopted. These were to make the game more enjoyable exciting and faster. Originally, from the Persian game, the piece playing as the queen had its movement restricted. Between 1471 and 1474 books dedicated to chess were first published. In 1575, the first chess tournament was held in Madrid.
1744- 1783
This can be considered the age of Philidor as during this period he introduced a system of play for chess and even played opponents, at times simultaneously, while blindfolded (Murray).
In this year an American chess book is published.
Detailed descriptions of the Ethiopian chess are captured by an English artist and diplomat Henry Salt, and they had a very strong Arab influence after a comprehensive review in 1820-1860 (Cazaux, and Knowlton).
There was the development and introduction of The Staunton Standard for the chess pieces that has now become standard for all tournaments (Murray).
Timed chess is introduced for the first time.
Mechanical game clocks are introduced in tournament play. This had the effect of making the game faster.
In this year the first official world tournament is played. This was between Wilhelm Steinitz and Johannes Zukertort where Steinitz wins.
FIDA introduces the title of International Grandmaster and International Master.
Bobby Fisher wins the world chess championship and he went on to become among the most notable chess players globally.
Garry Kasparov becomes the 13th world chess champion by beating Antony Karpov. He also becomes one of the most notable chess players in history.
In this year Garry Kasparov plays a chess-playing computer. The computer wins a game against a reigning champion for the firm time. However, Kasparov manages to win the match.
During this year, the supercomputer Deep Blue wins a rematch against the reigning world champion Garry Kasparov. This was the first time a computer beat a reigning champion in a chess match.
Magnus Carlsen achieves the highest Elo rating ever of 2861. This was higher than Garry Kasparov’s Elo rating of 2851.
Annotated Bibliography: The Evolution of Chess
Cazaux, Jean-Louis, and Rick Knowlton. A World of Chess: Its Development and Variations
Through Centuries and Civilizations. Mc Farland & Company, Inc. Publishers., 2017, pp. 7-330. Print.
The book delves into the details of the development of chess through different civilizations and how the game varied through the centuries therein. The book has seven sections that discuss this for different civilizations such as in the Arabian world and the Muslim chess variant. In this first part, the book also mentions Shatranj which is considered the original game of Chess from where different variations sprouted. Chaturanga, Chaturaji, and the Giant Indian chess in the land of the Monsoons are detailed in the second part of the book. In different parts, the books also highlight the development of chess in Europe and the various variations that arose including round chess, hexagonal chess, four-player chess, three player chess and 3-D chess.
The information contained in this book is of value to the paper for various reasons. First, the book sheds light on the different variations of chess that exist in the world and the different civilizations that played and contributed to the advancement of the game. The books also discuss the origins of chess from Shatranj and Chaturanga and follows its development up to the game that we currently know. The classification of the books into various parts focusing on different cultures such as the Arabian world, the land of the Monsoons and the European aids in shedding more light as to how they shaped the game to what it is today.
Gollon, John. Chess Variations: Ancient, Regional, And Modern. 2nd ed., Charles E. Tuttle, 1985, 1-137. Print.
The book is divided into three sections. The first section, Ancient variations, speaks on the different original variations of chess. These include Chaturanga (Two-handed and four-handed), Shatranj, Oblong Chess, Round Chess, Shatranj Kamil both variation I and II, Shatranj Al-Husun and many more variations including the Turkish Great Chess and its four variations. In the second section of the book, it highlights the different variations of chess in various regions. These include the Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Malay, Burmese and the Intermediate Japanese chess. The last section of the book speaks of the modern variations of chess including the most commonly played currently.
The contents of the books are of great importance of this paper for various reasons. First, not only does the book speak of the different ancient variations of chess but also highlights the different variations within those ancient variations from different regions. For example, in the book, Shatranj has five different variations that the books sheds light into, and the Turkish variation of the game has four different variations.
Murray, H. J. R. A History of Chess. Skyhorse Publishing, 2012, pp. 10-305. Print.
The book highlights the history and development of chess in different civilizations and periods up to the 19th century. I the first chapters, the book delves into the details, variations, and development of chess in India and the Malay Lands. The books then makes a connection of these variations to the European chess. In this section the book, it speaks of the four-handed game and various references of the books from the Arab world and the various theories of the origin of the game. In this section too it highlights the development of the rules of the game and the movement of the pieces. The books further highlights some individuals such as Philidor and their system of play. In the 19th century, the book also speaks on the advancement of tournaments in this century and the development of the chess magazine.
The contents of the book are of great value as they assist in connecting the current game of chess to its development in Asia. Also highlighting the development of chess tournaments is a great milestone for the game including the printing of a magazine that specifically caters into this niche. How the rules of the game developed, the movement of the pieces in the chessboard and the system of play by various players including the Italian school of play are of importance as they enrich the timeline in important details that are crucial.
Work Cited
- Cazaux, Jean-Louis, and Rick Knowlton. A World of Chess: Its Development and Variations
- Through Centuries and Civilizations. Mc Farland & Company, Inc. Publishers., 2017, pp. 7-330. Print.
- Gollon, John. Chess Variations: Ancient, Regional, And Modern. 2nd ed., Charles E. Tuttle, 1985, 1-137. Print.
- Murray, H. J. R. A History of Chess. Skyhorse Publishing, 2012, pp. 10-305. Print.