Applied Social Care Advanced Professional Practice
Year 3 Applied Social Care Advanced Professional Practice 2020
Emmett Tuite. Individual CA – Worth 50% of end of semester mark.
CORU Proficiencies Assessed: 5.8, 5.12.
My Journey through Social Care- E-portfolio.
Students are required to complete an e-portfolio which maps their journey towards becoming a social care professional. I have provided a range of broad headings below which you may use to structure your work. Students may also use their own headings. Students can use as many (or as few headings as they wish) whilst remaining within the overall word count. Whilst your e-portfolio will naturally include some focus personal to you, it is important to get an appropriate balance between personal and reflective content which has impacted your journey and core theoretical and academic content which helps explain and support your learning. Remember that it is a map of your journey to and through professional social care practice and it differs significantly in content from the type of life-story work we complete with service users.
Some suggested headings
- The most interesting service user I have worked with.
- A statistic about social care which surprises me
- A quote which inspires me
- A person who influenced my practice
- The best piece of advice I’ve received
- A though provoking behaviour I’ve encountered
- My hopes for the future of social care
- A concern I have for social care.
- A regret I have
- A book/film/video which says something about my approach to care
This list is not exhaustive; students should consider which headings fit their practice and add or remove as appropriate. Whilst this piece of work gives appropriate scope for interpretation students should be conscious of ensuring an appropriate theoretical focus runs throughout the piece. Students should identify how and where a theoretical focus can be included under their chosen headings.
This piece of work is worth 50% of your end of year mark for this module. The total word count for this piece of work is 1200 words. The low word count reflects the expectation that students will include a significant element of creativity and innovation in completion of this work. All standard TU Dublin Dept of Humanities guidelines must be followed in relation to referencing, work deemed to be plagiarized will be graded at Zero. A bibliography of source material should be included at the end of your e-portfolio. References should be included within the text where appropriate.
I will share an example of an e-portfolio using Padlet ( However, if you want to use other suitable software feel free to do so. Your final submission should be downloaded as a pdf and uploaded to moodle.