Applying Cultural Capabilities Report
Task Overview
- Introduction: It has been argued that cultural capabilities are fundamental to operating effectively in the workplace, community and the university. Cultural capabilities are required for creating safe work and learning spaces. So, to complete this task you will be drawing together all of the learning from the unit to show understanding of strategies to create safe spaces.
- Length: 1250 – 1700 words
You are to watch and analyse all THREE videos linked below;
- Too Strong For You Karen (on YouTube) (formally titled Mildura McDonald’s franchisee filmed claiming his neighbor is not a ‘true Aboriginal’ | ABC
- Dirt Cheap 30 Years on: the story of uranium mining in Kakadu (on Vimeo) the first 34 minutes)
- Coronavirus: Doctor verbally abused in racist attack | Nine News Australia (YouTube)
- Select at minimum 4 (but you can use more) of the 7 following concepts,
- Each video should have a different concept(s) applied to it
- No concept should be used more than once.
- Use 2 additional outside scholarly texts you find (for example: another text about equity to support your analysis of equity).
The Seven Concepts
- Recognizing White/Racial/Settler Privilege (McIntosh or Gilio-Whitaker)
- Identifying Bias (Kandola)
- Power Relations (Cummins)
- Generative Interactions (Bernstein et al.)
- Cultural Border Crossings/Cultural Valence (Smolicz et al.)
- Equity and Equity Literacy (Gorski)
- Cultural Safety (Bin-Sallik) or Safe Spaces (Harless)
Write a formal report to observe and analyse whether characters in each of the three video interactions are showing effective cultural capabilities and maintaining a culturally safe space. Also, recommend how effective cultural capabilities of the people involved could be improved. For this paper you will need to use AT MINIMUM three in class texts, and two additional scholarly texts.
Task details
The report should:
- Summarise and describe observations of the interactions related to aspects of cultural capabilities in the interaction.
- Analyse (with formal references) the safe and unsafe aspects of the interaction, including the physical location and interactions between people.
- Provide recommendations for creating or sustaining this interaction as a culturally safe space.
- Be written in a formal tone – avoid personal language, contractions and slang.