BBA323 Total Quality Management

BBA323 Total Quality Management


  • Describe the TQM strategic process and its stages within the tourism organizations
  • Gain knowledge of the different programs and policies of TQM design, implementation and follow up within the tourism firms

Question 1 (600 words):

  1. Please introduce your own definition of Business Excellence within the perspective of sustainable development. Provide a critical fully-referenced definition and critical discussion. Please discuss lean six-sigma and benchmarking as enablers of business excellence
  2. Please select an organization which is renown for its Business Excellence on operational and strategic level and provide a critical account of its Business Excellence model and the TQM metrics used to gauge its performance

Question Two (600 words):

Apply the Malcom Baldridge Business Excellence Framework in your given organization in order to:

  1. Mention its strategic quality mission, vision and corporate values.
  2. Discuss its strategic quality planning and the role of leadership in its successful implementation.
  3. Analyze critically the alignment the organization achieves between customer focus and internal processes.
  4. The role of Human Resources in the successful achievement of Business Excellence.

Conclusion (300 words):

  • Why are companies striving for business excellence better suited for global competition?

This activity must meet the following formatting requirements:

  • Font size 12
  • Double-spaced
  • 1500 words
  • Harvard Referencing System

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