Bioethics: Quantitative & Qualitative Data
Written Answers (Make sure all of your answers are complete. If you do not have sufficient room for your answer, add lines as needed):
Any other sources must be approved by me before use. All answers will be checked for plagiarism. The answers should be written in your own words.
- Explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative data and the purpose of each. 2 pts.
- Provide the steps in the scientific method and give an example of potential bias and how to avoid that bias for each step. 10 pts.
- Define reproducibility in science and explain how experimental design affects reproducibility. 4 pts.
- Explain the difference between correlation and causation and give an example of when they are linked and an example of when they are not linked. 2 pts.
- Write a null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis for the following question:
Does the amount of protein X in yeast change when gene Y is deleted? 2 pts. - What kind of t-test would be needed to perform statistics using your hypotheses? 2 pts.
- What would it mean if the p-value was set at 0.10 for this experiment? 3 pts.
- Before you can determine whether protein X changes, you need to confirm that the gene Y is deleted by doing a PCR amplification and running a gel to compare the size of the wild-type (normal) gene region to the deleted gene region. Describe the steps to PCR amplify the region around gene Y including the reagents needed, function of each reagent, and purpose of each step. 10 pts.
- What kind of experiment could be used to measure whether protein X changed? Explain the steps needed for this experiment including the reagents needed, function of each reagent, and purpose of each step. 10 points.
- When determining the amount of protein X, what is the importance of signal-to-noise ratio? 3 pts.
- Before determining the amount of protein X in each sample, you need a standard curve of varying known amounts of protein X related to signal. Using the data below, calculate a standard curve giving the equation and r2-value for the standard curve (this can be done in Excel or other graphing program). 4 pts.
- At the end of this exam is the data for the class. For questions 12, 13, and 14; only use the data next to your name as “your data”. Use the standard curve you found in question 11 to calculate the amount of protein X for each of your Show your work either by hand or with Excel equations listed. 3 pts.
- Calculate the Mean and Median for your wild-type, and the Mean and Median for your gene Y deletion. Show your work either by hand or with Excel equations listed. 4 pts.
- Using the critical t-value table from lecture, perform the correct t-test on your data and state whether your data is statistically significant. Show all of your work either by hand or with Excel equations listed. 10 pts.
- What precautions should be taken to store your data & what data would be submitted for a paper? 3 p