BSBPMG517 Role Play and Assignment

BSBPMG517 Role Play and Assignment

Assessment Task 1 (Knowledge Test)

Total 10 Questions to be answered on the Moodle. Student book Power Point Slides available in the MOODLE can be useful for the answers. Students may refer to other resources.

Question 1: Using your own words, explain the importance of involving stakeholders when determining risk objectives and standards.  Explain in 50-75 words
Question 2: Using your own words, explain project risk context and project risk category.  For both Internal & External risk contexts, provide two examples of each and their associated risk categories.  Explain in 50-75 words


Question 3: Using your own words, explain any two (2) valid and reliable risk identification methods.  Explain in 50-75 words.
Question 4: Using your own words, explain risk analysis classification criteria and the risk ranking system.  Explain in 60-90 words
Question 5: Explain the risk analysis process using your own words.  Explain in 50-75 words
Question 6: Explain the need to prioritise risks and how this prioritisation is determined in agreement with the key project stakeholders.  Use your own words and explain in 50-75 words
Question 7: Using your own words, explain the five (5) steps involved in identifying and controlling risks?  Answer in 75-100 words
Question 8: Using your own words, explain the four (4) risk treatment responses that can be used during risk management.  Explain in 75-100 words.
Question 9: Using your own words, explain any three (3) of the risk review processes that can be used to monitor the risk environment and maintain the currency of the risk plan.  Explain in 80-100 words.
Question 10: Using your own words, explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis and give two (2) examples of each.  Answer in 60-90 words.

Assessment Task 2 (Role play and Assignment)

Task 2.1- Role play

This task requires you to participate in the role play with other 03 students, playing the role of the Project Manager on the Albright Computer Lab Project (Case study).  Your assessor will participate in the role as Project Sponsor. You are to conduct a structured risk identification meeting (risk workshop) with your Project sponsor. In the meeting:

  • Identify risks and risk objectives, standards and risk context for the project with input from your project stakeholders using the template provided separately.
  • Identify a range of project risks and classify them into the correct risk categories. Analyse each risk to check if it is risk, threat or opportunity. Complete the Risk register with identified risks.
  • Determine risk classification criteria and apply rank and prioritise to the identified risks. Use the template provided.
  • Discuss strategies for risk mitigation with your stakeholders and identify risk mitigation activities, due date and the owner of each risk and update risk plan.

Following on from your risk workshop/role play you need to document all risks correctly into the risk register (Template A) and circulate the risk register to your project sponsor.

Task 2.2

Write an email to your project sponsor and your other team members (stakeholders) on your project. In this email you must explain the following:

  • How you arrived at the risk classification and treatments detailed on the risk register during your project risk workshop.
  • What your plans are to establish regular risk workshops which will serve as the opportunity to review your processes, monitor the risk environment and maintain currency of the risk plan.

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