Business Ethics and Sustainability

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Business Ethics and Sustainability

“Who cares who shares?”  

PCC is a pharmaceutical and chemicals company that is performing well according to the stock market records. However, recent information shows that the prices of PCC will be affected. A company meeting provided that a scientific research had lethal outcomes. Since the finding are set to be reported in an industry magazine, this would damage the firm and consequently lead to the fall of PCC financials. As an employee in the company, stocks held will reduce in value and so will those of a dear friend and his client. There are definitely ethical issues.

This case presents some ethical dilemmas and depending on the actions taken it could lead to legal consequences. First, during the meeting to report this issue, it was asked that the matter remain confidential and strategies formulated on how to deal with the problem. However, remaining confidential means the dear friend and his clients will suffer significant losses once the matter becomes public information. Secondly, as a holder of PCC stock, selling share together with other employees could lead to suspicion and affect the company. It will also be a case of insider trading that is punishable by law.

Therefore, on a personal perspective, the ethical solution will be retaining the information as confidential and strategizing….Continue Reading

“Off your face on Facebook”,  

As a human resource manager, the task of recruiting personnel falls under the job description. At AllCure pharmaceuticals, the human resource needs to hire a new team member to fill a position in the department. Luckily, two applicants match….Continue Reading

“Organic Food – what’s an ‘organic’ label worth?”

There is an increasing demand for organic products globally. However, the production of organic foods takes almost twice as much land and effort as using conventional methods. Though consumers are willing to pay for these premium products, the supply can barely meet the demand. In the USA and Europe alone, up to ninety percent of the population demands organic products. Consequently, these governments have supply labels to protect…Continue Reading

“Uzbek Cotton: a new spin on responsible sourcing”  

Cotton is a common raw material in the manufacturing of clothes. This raw material is sourced from different nations. However, the supply of cotton has been associated with cases of child and forced labor coupled with poor working conditions. Uzbekistan is one of the leading countries that supply… Continue Reading


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