Business Innovation: Domino’s pizza Australia

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Business Innovation: Domino’s pizza Australia

Innovation and Sustainable Business Development (Domino’s pizza Australia)

DESCRIPTION:  To write an essay and video of 4 mins duration: business model about , Domino’s pizza Australia fast food restaurants. and then explain the essay’s main arguments in a short creative video. Assessment criteria Specifically, essay is required to have following things:

Clearly and succinctly define the terms ‘business model’ and ‘disruption’ based on a short literature review.

Analyse the opportunities and threats caused by the advances in smart-connected-products (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014, 2015) to the existing business model of Domino’s pizza, Australia,

Use the business model framework by Osterwalder and Pigneur, Y. (2010) to illustrate your initial findings.

Expand your analysis to address only two (2) of the following business model perspectives: business models as value proposition, business models as a set of capabilities and resources, business models as a system of processes, business models as a profit formula (Chesbrough 2010; Johnson, Christensen, & Kagermann, 2008). 5. Conclude by briefly discussing the significance of your findings to the business and its business model and the future of the business.


Assessment Criteria

Essay marking criteria (30%)

  1. Demonstrates an appreciation of business model theory in the literature. 3%
  2. Identifies and concisely outlines the opportunities and threats caused by the advances of smart connected- products to the existing business model. 3%
  3. Applies the Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010) business model framework to illustrate findings. 6%
  4. Critically applies the business model perspectives: value proposition, capabilities and resources, system of processes and profit formula to the analysis. 6%
  5. Critically discusses the significance of the business model findings to the future of the business. 6%
  6. Introduction, conclusion, coherence of arguments and theoretical integration. 3%
  7. Written communication, credible sources and referencing standards skills. 3%

Creative video marking criteria (20%)

  1. Effectively uses text, audio, images and other appropriate methods of communication via video to explain the arguments to a laypeople audience. 4%
  2. Explains the reasons for and significance of disruption by applying business model knowledge to a recent disruption from real life. 8%
  3. Tone of the video is consistent, for instance, uses humour effectively and is professional in tone throughout. 2%
  4. Quality of the video production. 2%
  5. Creativity. 4%

Assessment references

All sources must be highly credible and fully referenced using the APA referencing style.

  1. Chesbrough, H. (2010). Business Model Innovation: Opportunities and Barriers. Long Range Planning, 43(2–3), 354-363.
  2. de Jong, M., & van Dijk, M. (2015). Disrupting beliefs: A new approach to business-model innovation. McKinsey Quarterly.
  3. Johnson, M. W., Christensen, C. M., & Kagermann, H. (2008). Reinventing your business model. Harvard Business Review, 86(12), 50. Scroll down to find the article.
  4. Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation. New Jersey: Wiley (the unit textbook). The textbook is available from the CQUniversity library for free.
  5. Porter, M. E., & Heppelmann, J. E. (2014). How smart, connected products are transforming competition. Harvard Business Review, 92(11), 64-88.
  6. Porter, M. E., & Heppelmann, J. E. (2015). How smart, connected products are transforming companies. Harvard Business Review, 93(10), 96-16.
  7. Zott, C., Amit, R., & Massa, L. (2011). The business model: Recent developments and future research. Journal of Management : JOM, 37(4), 1019-1042.

Creative video, 20% of the total marks for the unit

The creative video must focus on your essay’s findings. The objective of this video is to develop your presentation skills and ability to explain difficult theoretical concepts to laypeople. To successfully complete this part of the assessment, you are required to produce a short video that summarises the key arguments of your essay. However, your video should not just be a verbatim repeat of your essay. It should be a creative and unique descriptive explanation of the essay findings and supporting arguments. Make sure your explanations are concise and easy to understand by people with little business training. Students are rewarded for using the video medium effectively and creatively.


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