Case Study – Pointsec Mobile Technologies

Case Study – Pointsec Mobile Technologies

Question 1 (4 pages)

Read the case study and answer these questions that provides:

1. An introduction to the case

2. Explanations of the:

  • Flaws in research design in this study,
  • Flaws in interpretation of the outcome of the research

3. The natural objective of this research, formulation of the research question(s), correct design of the research, and the correct methodology to deduce valid results from the acquired data

Question 2 (4 pages)

In Weeks 3-7 you were directed to keep a professional work journal (Please refer to Week 2 for a review of instructions). Now you will review your work journal entries and arrange some of them into an 4 pages which will reflect upon those five (5) weeks of experiences recorded in your journal and what you have learned.  Include how they may have furthered your career or caused you to rethink your career goals.  Your answer should include your experiences, observations, and the key concepts based on the internship and business course experience. (The intern is about marketing analyst and consultant. Work for a small education consulting company that connect international students with U.S. colleges.)

APA style. Include at least reference.

Reminder About Journaling: Whether you want to be able to look back at where you started, set a future state for yourself and seek a new path, or just deal with present issues, journaling helps you do that in a reflective way. You need not write every day. Journaling gives you a place to better understand yourself, to plan your goals, and to follow-up on goals. One pitfall of journaling is that it can become part of a log of your feelings for any one day and you want to avoid these types of emotional responses.

Question 3 (1 page, 1 reference)

Discuss the effectiveness of the following sampling designs:

  • A research company obtains a sample for a focus group through organized groups such as church groups, clubs, and schools.  The organizations are paid for securing respondents; no individual is directly compensated.
  • A citizen’s group interested in generating public and financial support for a new university basketball arena prints a questionnaire in area newspapers.  Readers return the questionnaires by mail.
  • A department store that wishes to examine whether the store is losing or gaining customers draws a sample from its list of credit card holders by selecting every tenth name.

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