CMSE11464 Emerging Market MNCs

CMSE11464 Emerging Market MNCs

Essay question: Internationalization and HRM

Compared with MNCs from advanced markets what do you think is the key challenge faced by emerging market MNCs?

Guidance to Students

  • We will be discussing a wide range of challenges faced by EMNCs in the lectures. You may choose any of them as your
  • In your discussion, you should explain: what is the challenge? What are the reasons for this challenge? You may also discuss the implications for human resource management as you see
  • When writing this essay, you may consider using examples (e.g. a specific company) to substantiate your
  • Ramamurti (2012), Cuervo-Cazurra (2012) and Guillen and Garcia-Canal (2009) contain excellent discussions about key differences between EMNCs and AMNCs. They can be a good starting point to familiarize yourself with this strand of

Marking Criteria

  • Understanding of the selected topic: evidence of understanding of the key characteristics of EMNCs, and knowledge of related theories and debates
  • Critical judgement and logical argument: Are the arguments provided logically developed and are the conclusions supported by the arguments in the essay? Does the essay reflect critical thinking?
  • Examples and illustrations: Are the examples carefully selected? Do they support the argument?
  • Organisation, presentation and clarity: essay is well structured, and ideas are communicated
  • Referencing: Appropriate academic

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