Cognitive Psychology Problem Solving

Cognitive Psychology Problem Solving

Please complete the following:

Slide 1: Title

  • Provide your name, presentation title, course, and date.

Slide 2: What is Problem-Solving?

  • Describe the cognitive process of problem-solving, identifying what problem-solving entails.

Slide 3: Example of Problem-Solving

  • Write a short case study illustrating a real-world situation that involves problem-solving in a group or work setting.
  • The case study should identify the person involved, the initial state, the goal state, the obstacles, as well as the best solution to the problem described.

Slide 4: Problem-Solving Strategies

  • Provide an explanation of how a problem-solving strategy discussed in the readings might be applied to your case study.
  • In particular, you should discuss one of the following problem-solving strategies: the analogy approach, the means-end heuristic, or the hill-climbing heuristic.

Slide 5: What is Decision-Making?

  • Describe the cognitive process of decision-making, identifying what decision-making entails.

Slide 6: Example of Decision-Making

  • Write a short case study illustrating a real-world situation that involves decision-making in a group or work setting.
  • The case study should identify the person making the decision, the situation that requires a decision, the choices that need to be evaluated, as well as the best decision for the situation described.

Slide 7: Decision-Making Heuristics

  • Provide an explanation of a decision-making heuristic discussed in the readings that might influence the decision in your case study.
  • In particular, you should discuss one of the following decision-making heuristics: the availability heuristic, the representative heuristic, or the anchoring and adjustment heuristic.

Slide 8: References

  • Provide an APA formatted list of references that you have cited within your presentation.
  • This presentation must contain at least one reference to the readings.

Copy and paste this in google to access the reading book for assignment if needed.

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  • password :Shaquana5*
  • textbook:  Cognition
  • Thomas A. Farmer; Margaret W. Matlin
  • Chapters :1 ,11,& 12

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