Contracts Case Study Analysis

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Contracts Case Study Analysis

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A contract can be discharged by breach where the breach of the contract is unequivocally repudiatory; and the innocent party elects to terminate and communicate his decision to the other party.

In this regard, the innocent party actually has the right to elect to affirm or discharge the contract.

In what circumstances and/or what may be the reasons for affirming a contract when the other party is in repudiatory breach?

Please share your views/comments on this taking into account any relevant factors such as the consequences of the breach and the effect of affirming the contract in such cases.


Textbook reference : Tabalujan, B. S., Low, V., Huan, J., Chen, M. L., See, A. W. L. (2018). Singapore business law (8th ed.). Singapore: CommAsia Resources Pte Ltd.

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