Contrast of the Presidential and Parliamentary Systems 

Contrast of the Presidential and Parliamentary Systems 

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 7, 8
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Initial Post Instructions
Discuss the differences  and similarities between the presidential and parliamentary systems,  including the executive and legislative branches. Which system do you  feel serves its citizen better? Why? Use evidence (cite sources) to  support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least  two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by  providing more information and clarification. Minimum of 1 scholarly  source which can include your textbook or assigned readings or may be  from your additional scholarly research.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Answer 1:

Hi All,

Both the presidential and  parliamentary are popular types of democratic governments (The Borgen  Project, 2019).  Dissimilarities between the parliamentary system and  the presidential system include: the parliamentary system makes up the  legislative branch of government. The head of government is the Prime  Minister who has no time limit on how long they can stay in office and  is elected by parliament members and can only be removed by the  parliament. Citizens vote for members of the parliament (The Borgen  Project, 2019).  Whereas the presidential system has an executive branch  that only includes the president and is elected by citizens for a max  of 2 terms, The presidential system is autonomous of the legislative  branch, and the president can be impeached at any time (The Borgen  Project, 2019).

In the Parliamentary system, the  legislative branch is either unicameral or bicameral. Many governments  prefer a two-house legislative branch to avoid total power in one body  and ensure the federal government can be held accountable for its  actions (Whitman Cobb, W. N., 2020). The Prime Minister writes laws  together with the legislature. In presidential systems, the legislative  branch writes laws for a president to approve. Though the president may  suggest laws, it is ultimately the legislative branch that will write  them (Whitman Cobb, W. N., 2020).

Is one system better than the other?  Both government systems have strengths in different areas. Despite all  the differences between the parliamentary system and the presidential  system, it is ultimately the citizens who hold the power through the  voting process (The Borgen Project, 2019).

The Borgen Project. 2019. The Parliamentary System Versus the Presidential System.  (Links to an external site.)Retrieved from

Whitman Cobb, W. N. (2020). Political science today (1st ed.). Washington, DC: Sage, CQ Press.

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