Covid19 and Human Resource Management

Covid19 and Human Resource Management

We are experiencing unprecedented times, from both the employer and employee perspectives, due to the COVID-19 crisis.

This discussion post assignment requires your summarizing in your own words, the following three discussions: 1) Best Guidelines for working at home (see URL link below), 2) HR 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (see URL link below), and 3) Provide one or two helpful coping strategies/ideas/modalities that you can use or mentor others through, during this challenging crisis time.


1. Summarize at least five out of 13 tips for working at home. Feel free to reflect which ones resonate with you best.

2. Review the HR6201, Families First Coronavirus Response Act. You can see SHRM’s summary and/or read the full bill. I’ve added other links for your convenience to see more information. Only summarize these two:

  • Summarize the Emergency and Family Medical Leave Expansion Act
  • Summarize the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act

3. Provide one or two helpful coping strategies/ideas/modalities that you can use or mentor others through, during this challenging crisis time.

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