Cultural Intelligence and Capability Essay

Cultural Intelligence and Capability Essay

Ways to recognize and manage bias in academic and profession

My IAT result responds strongly to the third method of Binna’s way of holding bias, that is bias on in-group and out-group. For instance, I discovered that people whom I associate with tend to bring positive contributions, which I often remember, as well as changing my behavior positively; however, my perspective changes when I view out-group such as been homogenous, having small difference and negative impacts. This phenomenon affects me socially since I tend to interact with people who speak my native language, culture, and customs.

According to (Cummins, 2009) the centralization of power in an educational institution, hierarchy is the predominant factor in determining superior and subordinate stuff, according to. I as an educator, I am free to choose the type of interaction that I anticipate from the learner in the classroom. Since choice is depicted as an ethical responsibility, option, and pedagogical chance, irrespective of institutional challenges, I have both personal and collective mandate to ensure student and community interact meaningfully, although it is a challenge due to my bias. these choices include: how I engage student cognitively, communicate to them based on their culture and native language and ensure participation of guardian in their kid’s education

According to (Bartunek, 2007), on employing different approaches, I can eliminate bias in the profession of education that creates a gap between academic and professional fields in the following ways. Firstly, I will ensure a conducive classroom environment that advocates equity, diversity, and justice. This approach will ensure students’ creativity, innovation, and skill are taken into consideration in enhancing the production of competent graduates that society can rely on. Secondly, I will take into consideration anti-curricula been part of community, individual, and school action. Besides, I will employ educational approaches that support diversity in learning styles.

Importance of cultural border crossing and relation of power in shared learning

Cultural border crossing is the most contemporary issue that is indispensable in our society. Generally, different communities, places, and institutions possess a unique way of carrying their every-day activities. On interaction, substantial cultural practices can be transferred from one group to another, either consciously or unconsciously. According to (Bartunek 2016), most countries prioritizing their need in education in terms of making science for all or on societal constructivist pedagogy. This phenomenon has exposed learners to different aspects of cultures such as culture at the school of science, peers, over-arching, and home. Consequently, sharing of culture has exposed learners to way lifelike valuing, valuing, interacting with others, knowing and feelings, which has helped in explaining characteristics difference among students and social groups within the society.

According to (Antill 2011). principles of power relations in shared learning and cultural border crossings in diverse ways. Firstly, I will focus on the learner as a primary reason for education by ensuring a smooth run and coordination learning and teaching method, and all students follow a set of rules and regulations as well as the need for adjustment disciplinary actions. Secondly, I will make sure there are respect and diversity adjustment in international, indigenous, and domestic students; however, they can cover the diversity inside these groups. International, Indigenous, and domestic students vary markedly, for instance, in terms of age, ethnicity, economic status, and in their experience of education, life, and work. Moreover, I will ensure I am adaptable, flexible, and responsive to evidence learners’ responses to combining the part of language developer and teacher’s content vary. Some are astonished but admit to it as part of the role in universities where diversity of language norms. Many are uncertain with the way proceeding are few and have additional demand. Adjustment is needed to include transparency.

Importance of trust and equitable learning in cultural respect and empathy

Scholars and researchers have put across several factors that impact trust. In my case, I will establish trust in academic and professional situations in different ways. Firstly, I will ensure substantial quantities and qualities of information I communicate with individuals. This phenomenon will uphold belief to my listeners that I comprehend the topic or subject I am discussing. Secondly, I will increase the duration of the relationship by continually repeating the interaction. This scenario ensures that good rapport is maintained by two parties. Also, I will appreciate other people’s differences, skills, openness, and reliability. Moreover, I will demonstrate self-sacrificial and orientation, caring loyalty, and participation in other’s goals.

Affirming all personalities, helped me develop equity and acknowledge privilege. This approach helped me in purporting that all cultures have positive potentials and improved my social life by mixing with people from different ethnicity, race, and sex and conclude that no one is good or corrupt due to their social identities. We are all equal.

According to (Dalluay 2016), proper use of principles of equitable learning, such as ensuring assessment method corresponds to the context and purpose that was intended, and learners should be allowed to demonstrate learning products. Moreover, I confirm that uniform scoring procedures are applied and adapt consistently. Furthermore, acceptable guidelines on the assessment of outcome are pass on decision-makers in education, students, and their caregivers. Additionally, I certified that information acquire on classroom standardize pupils’ performance, which should be useful, allied with instructional aims. These have assisted me in meeting institutional, personal, and societal goals. This approach caters to the feelings and emotions of students due to subjection into the same curriculum, assessment, grading system, and respect among themselves irrespective of their difference in the cultural aspect.

Diversity in cross-cultural learning and working environment

I understand the term diverse as consisting of several different elements. At the same time, diversity in cross-cultural learning and work environments is the people’s actions in the organization globally, which reflects how employees from different cultural upbringings work and provide their services to clients. Maintenance and managing cross-cultural personnel are very pertinent in reducing cultural conflict since different companies’ worldwide employs worker from a different culture.

According to (Band 2016), diversity means neutrality. He involves people from different backgrounds been desirable elements that benefit every person. However, diversity tends to outlook power from the comparation. One can approach diversity differently from two things. Firstly, diversity is decent since it exposes phenomena that can be viewed with different perspectives since males and females think differently from one another and are also evident in democrats and republicans, engineers and humanists, and Palestinians and Israelis in political matters. Those examples depict how diversity can be seen as neutral and not a power aspect. Secondly, diversity is essential when deducing that some views are not equally denoted unless we employ an effort of representing them, and the marginal view is being oppressed by dominant views. This aspect is repetitive in that in a religious set up in history, women’s voices were underrepresented. While women in the Quran interpreted Islam in a more advanced way than male-scholars, and women currently survive in the male’s world. The most pertinent part is when feminist scholars challenged injustice and inequity, which purported that dominant view, can be defined by people with different perspectives, and no one can accomplish it. Therefore, diversity should not be based on power but different view perspective


Antill, C. (2011). Academic advising in the third era: The Whole Foods Market approach. Academic Advising Today, 34(2), 6–20.

Bartunek, J.M. (2007). “Academic-practitioner collaboration need not require joint or relevant research: toward a relational scholarship of integration”. Academy of Management Journal 50 (6) 1323-1333

Brand, B. R., Glasson, G. E., & Green, A. M. (2006). Sociocultural Factors Influencing Students’ Learning in Science and Mathematics: An Analysis of the Perspectives of African American Students. School Science and Mathematics, 106 (5), 228- 236

Cummins, J. (2009). Pedagogies of choice: Challenging coercive relations of power in classrooms and communities. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism12(3), 261-271.

Bartunek Van & Jalagat, Revenio. (2016). Cross-Cultural Management of Culturally Diverse Workforce: A Challenge Facing Managers in the Global Workplace. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). 5. 663 – 668.

Shelleyann Scott, Charles F. Webber, Judy L. Lupart, Nola Aitken & Donald E. Scott (2014). Fair and equitable assessment practices for all students, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 21:1, 52-70