DBA703 Critical Effective Teamwork 

DBA703 Critical Effective Teamwork 

Your first team task is to create a Team PBL Plan that guides your team’s work for this entire course. Having a shared understanding of the expectations is critical for effective teamwork. Your team’s plan should be very specific and detailed. You will continue to update the plan throughout the course.

Consider the following for each deliverable:

Tasks: What needs to be completed for each deliverable?

Assigned Responsibilities: Who is responsible for completing what?

Timeline: When do tasks need to be completed? When does everything need to be completed? How will you hold each other accountable to these deadlines?

Quality Standards: What are the quality expectations for the deliverable? When will we know it is done?

Feedback: How and when will you provide feedback to each other on work products?

Deliverable Owner: Who will be the individual responsible for the final quality check and submitting/sharing the file(s) as required? NOTE: Any member of a group (PBL team) can submit files to a group assignment folder. Group members are assigned a common grade.

Contingency Plan: What will the team do if something does not go as planned? What if someone gets sick or is unable to fulfill their responsibilities? What if someone does not perform or communicate well?

Other: What else is important to come to an agreement on?

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Identify a team plan for completing each deliverable.

This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Criteria Excellent Competent Needs Improvement Inadequate/Failing Criterion ScorePlan Details50 points

(44-50 Points)

Meets the requirements for Proficient and the plan expertly organizes and communicates expectations for the project. Plan is supported with mechanisms to track progress and ensure plan is on track.

43 points

(36-43 Points)

The plan answers the following questions:

  • What are the major deliverables?
  • How will we get to those deliverables and the deadline?
  • Who is on the project team, and what role will they play in those deliverables?
  • When will the team meet milestones, and when will other members of the team play a role in contributing to or providing feedback on those deliverables?

35 points

(1-35 Points)

The plan does not adequately answer all the questions required for Proficient.  Key details are too vague.

0 points

There is little or no detail in regard to the required questions for the plan.

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