DDES1200 – Design History and Theory 1 

DDES1200 – Design History and Theory 1   

DDES1200 Assessment Brief 2

Title: Research theme: scoping, sourcing and referencing

Assessment Description:

As a student, you must demonstrate academic integrity in any assessment you complete. A core aspect of academic integrity is the conduction of scholarly research, i.e. to identify sound sources for research, reflect upon their usefulness, and adequately reference them. The aim of this task is to introduce you to fundamental academic research skills that you will use and develop throughout your studies. Research is a key component of any design process, and the sourcing and attribution of research materials is integral to creative and critical practices. In this assessment task, you will identify academically sound sources, reflect upon their relevance for your research theme and adequately reference them using the APA referencing style.

How to complete the assessment:

Step 1: From the list below select one key research theme that has been discussed in this course so far:

  • Modernism;
  • Modernity;
  • Industrial revolutions;
  • Mass production.

Step 2: Select one image that represents your selected research theme. The image should belong or depict a historical period between the 1850s and 1970s and a specific geography (e.g., a nation or a region). Your tutor will assist you in making an appropriate choice. The image will help you reflect on your selected research theme.

Step 3: Go to the UNSW Art & Design Library online catalogue https://www.library.unsw.edu.au/ and search for an e-book that will help you explore your research theme. After familiarising yourself with this e-book, answer the following questions (2 or 3 sentences per question):

  1. Why are you interested in this book?
  2. What design contexts does it discuss?
  3. How does this book expand your understanding of your research theme?
  4. How does this book help you understand your research theme historically?
  5. What key theories and concepts employed in the book can you identify?

Step 4: Select an article from a journal. The journal can be found in the Library online catalogue. After familiarising yourself with this article, answer the following questions (2 or 3 sentences per question):

  1. Why are you interested in this article?
  2. What design contexts does it discuss?
  3. How does this article expand your understanding of this research theme?
  4. How does this article help you understand your research theme historically?
  5. What key theories and concepts employed can you identify?

Step 5: Select one reliable online source (e.g., a podcast, video, interview, museum website, web exhibition, among others, published and/or edited by reputable writers, makers etc.). After familiarising yourself with this source, answer the following questions (2 or 3 sentences per question):

  1. Why are you interested in this source?
  2. What design contexts does it discuss?
  3. How does this source expand your understanding of this research theme?
  4. How does this source help you understand your research theme historically?
  5. What key theories and concepts employed can you identify?

NB: Wikipedia articles must not be used for scholarly purposes. 

Step 6: Write a brief introduction that presents your research theme and a conclusion to summarise your findings.

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