Detailed Outline Discussion

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Detailed Outline Discussion

  1. Discuss the negative effects of the incarceration system (Lambie and Randell 2013)
    1. Mental and physical health consequences
    2. Propensity to commit another crime after release
    3. Substance abuse
  2. Discuss the challenges faced after incarceration (including general stigma). (Dominguez Alvarez and Loureiro 2012)

A. Social Stigma

  • Untrustworthy
  • Lazy
  • Intimidating

B. Economic Stigma

    1. Harder to find a job
    2. Paid less for the same work when a job is acquired
  1. Substance addiction
  2. New environment to adjust to
  1. Point out how crime and unemployment are related. (Raphael and Winter‐Ebmer 2001)
    1. Wages and unemployment are both related to crime
      1. Wages the most significant correlation
      2. Unemployment most linked to property crimes
    2. Discuss how this all comes together to create a feedback loop. (Gould, Weinberg et al. 2002)
      1. Ex-convicts are released with a permeant stigma
        1. This stigma prevents employment which leads to crime
        2. Additionally, this stigma promotes lower wages which also leads back to crime
      2. Ex-convicts may have developed psychological impacts from prison
        1. Interview skills may have been compromised
      3. Ex-convicts may have developed substance addiction in prison
        1. Creating a major barrier to acquiring a job
        2. An easy avenue to obtaining another arrest
      4. Address the qualities that are looked for in an employee. (Moss and Tilly 1996)
        1. Motivation to work
          1. Able to self start and work autonomously
        2. Ability to interact well
          1. Interact with customers
          2. Sell products
        3. How does the justice system effect these qualities in convicts? (Munn 2011)
          1. Motivation
            1. Difficult for ex-convict to take care of themselves and make their own decisions considering they have been under specific direction in the prison setting
          2. Being Older
            1. Inevitably ex-convicts are older than when they were incarcerated. Age is usually considered a negative to employers
          3. Social Interactions
            1. Social skills are diminished greatly in prison. Prisoners are forced to adapted social skills to their particular environment in prison (much different than the real world)
          4. Discuss interventions that can help improve employment success of an ex-convicts and why. (Spence and Marzillier 1981)
            1. Social skills training
              1. Improvement in some but not all basic social skills
              2. Sustained in a 3 month follow up
            2. Leadership training
            3. Numerous variables need to be taken into account when assessing rehabilitation programs
          5. Possible comfort simply in knowing a program is available
          6. Different populations may have different success rates
          7. Topic Proposal
            1. How can we better prepare ex-convicts for the workforce?
              1. Intervention strategies that improve the ideal soft skills of an employee
            2. How will these interventions end the feedback loop of criminality?



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