Discussion Questions on Resiliency in Adolescence

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Discussion Questions on Resiliency in Adolescence


  1. Resiliency in Adolescence: What makes some teens more resilient and better able to handle adolescent stress than others? Offer an example of a common teen stressor, and consider Erik Erikson’s ideas about identity development during adolescence, cultural influences, and peer and family relationships. Support your reasoning with information from the text and other course material.
  2. Too Mature, Too Fast?: Some researchers believe that early maturation might make girls susceptible to premature sexual activity and unwanted pregnancies. Do you agree? What are some of the possible consequences of the body maturing more rapidly than the mind for both girls and boys? Support your reasoning with information from the text and other course materials.

Culture In Nursing DQ 1

Please read chapter 1 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done answer the following questions.

  1. Discuss the historical and theoretical foundations of transcultural nursing.
  2. Critically examine the relevance of transcultural nursing in addressing contemporary issues and trends in nursing.
  3. Analyze Leininger’s contribution to the creation and development of transcultural nursing as a theory and evidence-based formal area of study and practice within the nursing profession.
  4. Mention and discuss the key components of the Andrews and Boyle Transcultural Interprofessional Practice (TIP) model.

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