Dissertation Proposal- Case Study

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Dissertation Proposal- Case Study

1.0 Working Title: ‘Effective training and development: a critical case study of a clean, renewable energy company’.

  • Background

Despite a plethora of research on training and development (Bell et al, 2017; Pollock, Jefferson & Wick, 2015; Sung & Choi, 2014) little is still known about how to determine effective training and development and, in particular what effective training and development looks like in a changing, technologically driven world (Landers & Armstrong, 2017). Bell et al (2017) reflect upon one hundred years of training and development research and promote how interest in the topic has grown over time and has thus created a focus on the strategic nature of training and development within the firm. Bell et al (2017) promote the need to look at four characteristics and research themes, which they argue, require attention. They note these as being: training criteria, trainee characteristics, training design and training context. The case study approach proposed in this research thus details a specific approach to training and development within the case study organisation in order to develop recommendations and infer learning. With a strong psychological underpinning, understanding of training and development has long stemmed from a focus on individual and team level behaviour in order to determine the central drivers of effectiveness. Dissertation Proposal- Case Study. In recent years, technological advancements have shaped the nature of training and development with, in particular, the online delivery of training and development programmes being adopted by organisations (Clarke & Higgs, 2016). As a result, there is a need to understand the impact an online delivery has on training effectiveness with subsequent employees outcomes requiring examination and exploration (Salas & Cannon-Bowers, 2017). As discussed in the work of Clarke and Higgs (2016) there is a need, in addition, to focus upon the strategic nature of training and development with emphasis in particular being applied towards the training of leaders within the organisation. A focus through the empirical study is thus applied towards understanding how the firm encourage the development of leaders within the firm thus supporting wider succession and talent management strategies (Sparrow, Hird & Cooper, 2015). A focus on a case study organisation allows this….Show More Content….


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