Effects of the Cave on the Rescue Plan

Effects of the Cave on the Rescue Plan

Request: This task consists of two parts. One is an essay and one is a short discussion.

Part I: Essay (1500 words)

Read the Case-8.3 “Tham Luang Cave Rescue.” attached . Answer the questions given below taken from the case study as deliverables where you should consider the milestones and technical requirements.undefined

  • How did the physical environment of the cave affect the rescue plan?
  • How did the rescue team respond to the risks of the project?
  • Some have called the rescue a miracle and that luck was the decisive factor. Do you agree? Explain.

Part II: Discussion (350-400 words)

Please watch the TED Talk video provided (link below), then write a reflection paper in a Word document addressing what you learned. The information must clearly state the purpose of the video, be organized, factual, and correct, and demonstrate a thorough self-reflective analysis of its impact on you. The paper is to include supporting details and examples. This is not a summary but a reflection

Link: https://www.ted.com/talks/tom_wujec_build_a_tower_…

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