Employee Satisfaction Survey Discussion

Employee Satisfaction Survey Discussion


  • How open to change is ITFast?

Employees would be satisfied in an organization where their input is appreciated and this question will help uncover how the employees perceive the willingness of the company to make changes and accommodate new ideas.

  • Does your supervisor appreciate your feedback and contribution?

The company culture might be good but it will be very discouraging if your supervisor or manager does not ask for any contribution from you as an employee. This question will explain how the supervisors relate to the employees.

  • How transparent do you feel the ITFast management is?

This question will help us know if the employees feel that the management is transparent and gives them all available information and does not hide any secrets from them or the organization.

  • Does ITFast offer the resources and tools that are needed to complete your roles well?

This question will help assess whether the employees feel that the resources and technology that the company uses is out of date or not.

  • Do you feel that your career is growing or has grown since you started working with the company?

Most employees want movement, they do not want to be stuck in one place and for that reason, they look for places where they are given growth opportunities such as additional training and promotions (Wheatley, 2017).

  • Do you feel that your work at ITFast limited is meaningful?

Research shows that the current generation of employees value deriving meaning out of their jobs as much as they value the salaries that they are paid (Darma & Supriyanto, 2017). The question will help uncover any issues in the job design.

  • Do you feel that working for the company has equipped you with new skills?

Training and development are key to achieving satisfaction and it is thus important to understand how well the company is at developing the skills and the abilities that the employees have.

  • Do you feel that ITFast uses your abilities and skills as much as the company could?

Sometimes employees might feel as if the strengths they have are not used by the company and that will make them lose morale in the job (Davies et al., 2019). This will also address any issues in the way the jobs are designed.

  • Do you enjoy working with colleagues in your department?

Most of the time employees like working with colleagues with whom they have built friendly relationships. The question will help ensure that the employees are comfortable with the other employees in their department.

  • How well does the management deal with conflicts which arise among employees?

The conflicts between employees are a must for every business, this question is designed to help understand the people and problem skills in the management of the company. Conflicts if not well addressed will lead to employees quitting their jobs.

  • Do you feel adequately compensated by the company?

The Canadian law has set minimum working hours and wages. It is important to see whether the employees are satisfied with the hourly rate and the overtime payment they get from the company.

  • How easy is it for you to get a leave or a day off from ITFast?

Every employee has their personal life and issues they might need time off to take care of (Heritage, 2018). This question will help assess how the company is welcoming to the idea of an employee wanting some time off.

  • Do you feel that any of the employees from your team gets special favors and considerations from your supervisor? If yes why do you think they do?

Canadian law requires employers to be non-discriminative towards employees (Canada, 2021). This question will help see whether any of the supervisors is discriminative towards the employees.

  • How safe are you working with the organization?

The employees need to be safe from any harassment, bullying, and safety hazards in the workplace (Group, 2021). The question will help understand how well the company ensures a safe working environment for the employees.

  • How happy are you working with ITFast company?

This question is an overall question that will help the company know the employees’ true feelings towards the company and identify any issues that might have not been captured in the survey.

Employee satisfaction plan


ITFast needs to address training and development, conflict resolution, and valuing the contributions that the employees have. The issues have made the employees feel less appreciated in the organization. The company can adopt several strategies that will help improve the level of satisfaction of employees. the strategies should be adopted as soon as possible to avoid any more issues of employee turnover.

I. Rewarding employees

The company conducts a performance appraisal every six months to see how well the employees are doing. In most cases, some of the employees perform exceptionally well and the company needs to show them that they appreciate the extra effort the employees have put in. the company should consider both monetary and nonmonetary rewards to help the employees feel valued (Agung & Damayanti, 2020). The monetary rewards will include gift cards, cash awards, and bonuses. The company can also offer nonmonetary rewards such as some time off and child care where the company helps pay for the employees’ children’s tuition fees. The strategy will help improve morale and also encourage other employees to work harder.

II. Constant work seminars and conferences

the employees need to grow their skillset and abilities and the best way for them to do that is if the company offers free seminars, workshops, and conferences. ITFast can collaborate with other similar organizations in the market to have joint seminars and conferences (Bangwal & Tiwari, 2019). This will help the employees interact with other employees that might have unique talent and skills that would be helpful to them. The seminars and the conferences should be regular to break the monotony of work at least once in a while.

III. Collaboration conflict resolution strategy

The company should come up with a collaboration conflict resolution strategy where both the parties get a win from the conflict resolution and the organization benefits from the resolution. The parties’ opinions and concerns must be addressed in a conflict resolution so that none of the employees will feel that they are discriminated against or the supervisor or manager is biased in a way (Kawiana et al., 2018). The strategy will help the employees become more engaged with their jobs and also improve relationships in the workplace.


ITFast needs to improve some areas to deal with the high rate of turnover that has resulted in employees leaving the company to work with competitors. The issues need to be addressed as soon as possible to reverse the situation. The survey is a very good tool to help understand the concerns the employees have. The satisfaction survey should be done regularly for the best results.


Agung, K. V., & Damayanti, N. A. (2020). Factors affecting employee satisfaction at Surabaya

Private Hospital. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences14(2), 2881-2885.

Bangwal, D., & Tiwari, P. (2019). Workplace environment, employee satisfaction and intent to stay. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

Canada, E. (2021, January 11). Government of Canada. Retrieved April 30, 2021, from https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/workplace/federal-labour-standards.html

Darma, P. S., & Supriyanto, A. S. (2017). The effect of compensation on satisfaction and employee performance. Management and Economics Journal (MEC-J)1(1).

Davies, G., Mete, M., & Whelan, S. (2018). When employer brand image aids employee satisfaction and engagement. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.

Group, G. (n.d.). Employment & labour Law 2021: Canada: ICLG. Retrieved April 30, 2021, from https://iclg.com/practice-areas/employment-and-labour-laws-and-regulations/canada

Heritage, C. (2018, June 01). Government of Canada. Retrieved April 30, 2021, from https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/rights-workplace.html

Kawiana, I. G. P., Dewi, L. K. C., Martini, L. K. B., & Suardana, I. B. R. (2018). The influence of organizational culture, employee satisfaction, personality, and organizational commitment towards employee performance. International research journal of management, IT and social sciences5(3), 35-45.

Wheatley, D. (2017). Employee satisfaction and use of flexible working arrangements. Work, employment and society31(4), 567-585.

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