Essay topic on Principles of Management

Essay topic on Principles of Management

I. Essay questions

Critically discuss the origin of the legal-rational (or legal) bureaucracy, its main  characteristics, main advantages, and main disadvantages, as well as the key criticism against this organizational form. Please evaluate the extent to which the legal-rational bureaucracy is still the dominant form of organization in the present- day.

II. Key requirements

a) Word limit: 3,000 words, excluding references.

a) Please see referencing guide (Harvard reference style) for information about the suggested referencing systems. Your essay should acknowledge the source of all ideas and evidence with appropriate references. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism, and it will be submitted to the academic committee for plagiarism review.

b) You should complete this task using and citing all the relevant theories and concepts covered in Part 2 of this module.

c) Please note that this task is NOT a descriptive summary of those theories (e.g., a summary of theory A, then theory B, then theory C…..). Rather, those theories should be used and cited systematically in your discussion and analysis.

d) Make sure you read the required readings and cite properly to complete this assignment. You are welcome to go beyond the required reading list, but make sure they are relevant.

e) Illustrate with relevant examples to justify your arguments from the movies or documentaries discussed in tutorials. More movie examples illustrate in the slides are aiding for understanding the topics, not required to use them in the essay.

III. Writing tips

a) Each component of the essay questions is equally important; make sure you distribute your writing evenly, and the discussion should cover all the aspects of the essay question.

b) There is NO templet to refer to for this assignment, but don’t be panic. The essay questions are straightforward.

c) Using titles and subtitles to separate sections in your discussion.

d) Don’t be afraid of referencing too much in your essay; the assignment is not testing your ability for original ideas; instead, your originality comes from the way you organizing and justifying your arguments to the questions.

e) Please get professional academic writing help from SOAS if you have questions about academic writing.

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