Final reflection and PDP Analysis

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Final reflection and PDP Analysis

500 words

  • What do you now see as the most likely drivers for change in your own employment environment over the next 3-5 years? What type of opportunity and threat will be created by those change drivers?
  • In what areas of the organisation’s operating practice do you believe that the most significant changes will be required? Who will be the main (external and internal) stakeholders whose views will need to be taken into account during the process of change?
  • What are the core skills required of the change agent who is ultimately entrusted with the primary responsibility for achieving successful change? To what extent do you believe that you currently possess each of those core skills?
  • What will you do over that 3-5 year period to remedy any perceived shortcomings in your current skills profile?

I work in a center (governmental) we mainly  conduct a risk assessment for different mass gatherings events. Our factors of success are based on how useful our recommendations are when used. We came a long way, but we are still struggling with the process of turning these recommendations into policies that have to be mandatorily applied

Setting the recommendations on different events as polices is a vital thing that will contribute to the success of our center and will improve our efforts in minimizing the hazards that may affect public health. On the other side, it will create a lot of pressure and a high responsibility on the center considering the number of staff and the complications with hiring. Moreover, it will increase the number of our opponents from other agencies who believe they have the write alone to lead this movement and who are already trying to hinder our efforts.

I hold the position of the head of the project management office; We monitor each and every project done by the center. The plan is to expand our work and to upgrade the PMO office as a center of excellence to continue the reporting but directly to the office of his Excellency, the Minister ,we are  working on hiring now, and I will be taking the full responsibility for training and coaching the new team.based on that I need to refresh my knowledge about many of the things I learned and back it up with all the techniques I learned from my current master.

I was still and will always face a high resistance toward change in the office, and going forward with the new step of upgrading our work will need in-depth analysis and a detailed plan to overcome this obstacle.







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