Growth Assignment for Model the Way

Growth Assignment for Model the Way

Part One – Reflection (10 points)

  • Refer back to your SLPI report.

Model the Way

  1. Record your overall score from the SLPI for Model the Way.
  2. Of the six leadership behaviors that are part of Model the Way, my areas of leadership strengths are:
  3. Of the six leadership behaviors that are part of Model the Way, list your areas of improvement. These are behaviors which you said you do not do as frequently and are  opportunities for improving and strengthening your leadership capacity.
  4. Take Action: Identify ONE LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR related to MODEL THE WAY PRACTICE that you would like to improve and will commit to practicing over the next couple of weeks. What are you going to do? How are you going to do it? When/Where are you going to practice? Be specific. Tip: See the actions at the end of each chapter for suggestions.

Part Two – Clarifying your Personal Values (12 points)

The first practice, Model the Way, is built on two components:

  • Find your own voice by clarifying your own values
  • Set the example by aligning actions with shared values

This activity will help you clarify your values. You will start by thinking about your personal values and use a website to help each of us do so.

Clarifying your Core Personal Values 

Step 1: Go to .

Select “Values card exercise” to be taken to a screen that looks like this

Step 2: Review possible values to select values that are “VERY IMPORTANT to YOU” and add them to your online value card deck.

There are 49 values included in this exercise. You use the arrows to go forward and backwards through the cards. When you see a value that IS VERY IMPORTANT TO YOU in your everyday life, click the Add + to save this value to your online deck. You must select at least 5 values. Be more inclusive at first, and then you’ll go back through them, to get to only 5 values that are the most important to you personally – in your everyday life.

I also invite you to look over the following list of values that are contained in the Leadership Challenge value cards we use when we are face to face. Circle any of these values that are VERY IMPORTANT TO YOU.

Achievement/Success Beauty Communication Courage Curiosity
Dependability Discipline Effectiveness Empathy Equality
Love/Affection Harmony Innovation Growth Patience
Open-Mindedness Productivity Respect Quality Recognition
Prosperity/Wealth Risk Taking Simplicity Strength Teamwork
Trust Truth Variety Wisdom

Now, add these VERY IMPORTANT VALUES that you circled above, as custom values at the website. Click “Add” to place these in your online values deck if they are not added automatically.

Step 3: Go back through your online deck of VERY IMPORTANT VALUES to get to the FIVE most important values to you.

Step 4: Write your FIVE CORE Personal Values on the Personal Values worksheet that follows. Also, define what each value means to you.

Part Three (12 points)


Step 1: Start over. Close your browser to clear out what you did.


Step 2: This time, start with the list of values from the Leadership Challenge values deck. Think about WORK and what you value in the work environment. The values do not have to be different, or perhaps a few are, or perhaps they all are different.


Circle any of these values which are VERY IMPORTANT TO YOU in a Work Setting or in Your Work.

Achievement/Success Beauty Communication Courage Curiosity
Dependability Discipline Effectiveness Empathy Equality
Love/Affection Harmony Innovation Growth Patience
Open-Mindedness Productivity Respect Quality Recognition
Prosperity/Wealth Risk Taking Simplicity Strength Teamwork
Trust Truth Variety Wisdom


Step 3: Go to

Select “Values card exercise.”

Step 4: Go through the deck as you did before adding values in the website’s deck that are VERY IMPORTANT TO YOU in a work setting or in your work.

Step 5: Type in as a Custom Value all of the values you circled above.

Step 6: Now, go back through your stack of Very Important to Me Work Values and go through the process to identify FIVE Core Work Values.

Step 7: Fill out the CORE Work Values worksheet that follows and provide a definition of what that value means to you.

Reflection on Work v. Personal Values (6 points)

  • Write down your five personal values and work values. If some are the same, put them across from each other.
  • What do you observe from comparing your work values v. personal values? Why are they the same or so similar? If they are not, why are the different?