Identity and Access Management Cybersecurity

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Identity and Access Management Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity is a crucial concern for organizations currently especially as workers are progressively using connected devices. Conferring to research estimates, eight billion connected devices will be in use globally in this year. As the technology scope evolves, organization officials need to navigate through the connection of digital commerce and growing IT risk.

In such a case, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is more essential than ever to guarantee that the exact users are given right of entry to key organizational information and possessions, while certifying efficiency and defiance (Gaedke, Meinecke, & Nussbaumer, 2012).

Technology has been progressing at an exponential rate, altering the way organizations function. While IAM has been there for some time and its fundamental roles of authentication, consent, and administration have been around forever, it has constantly evolved too as organizations experience digital transformation (Gunter, Liebovitz, & Malin, 2011).


In the past, IAM was implemented by the IT sector with a best part of the time spent on allowing access to new customers and password management for the customary legacy, on premise solicitations (Engan, et al., 2013). As security pressures grow and organizations clasp cloud and mobility elucidations, IAM has automatically expanded as well to clinch those new technologies while charming a key instrument for risk management while ensuring superior security and compliance.

However, even as organizations capitalize on robust safety solutions, it is important to ensure that these don’t act as barriers to organization transformation. IAM way out need to be federal, automated and incorporated to enhance competence and productivity and oblige as an enabler of digital revolution (Fremantle, Aziz, Kopecky, & Scott, 2012); As the technology scope continues to fluctuate, organizations will be required to evaluate their tactic to IAM  in order to stay competitive and secure in the progressively more connected and mobile era.

How IAM Enable an Organization Move Forward as it Remain Competitive and Secure

Conferring to International Data Corporation (IDC), 60% of the best 1000 business organizations worldwide will have transformed digitally at the center of their organization strategy by the end of this year. Though, along with its massive upside and intrinsic value, digital revolution brings inimitable set of threats and security encounters. Actually, the outcomes of recent worldwide surveys have shown that security is habitually seen as an obstacle to digital revolution (Hummer et al., 2011).

While customary IAM outlines can be costly to establish and time-consuming to contrivance and maintain, a complete and a well implemented IAM platform can be a reagent for digital revolution. One Identity IAM way out are principle-based, commerce-centric, modular and incorporated, and upkeep a control-first tactic to IAM, letting security to become a true gear of commercial innovation (Fremantle, Aziz, Kopecky, & Scott, 2012); As a result, businesses are not only protected but also more responsive.


Importance’s of Identity Access Management

For business organizations, Identity and Access Management controls computerize the provisioning and de-provisioning procedures for distinctiveness within and between the business communities. The paybacks of IAM are deep reaching, comprising institutional adeptness and effectiveness, public picture, competitiveness, organization security, defiance and increased productivity (Gaedke, Meinecke, & Nussbaumer, 2012).

Three Strategic and Impactful Reasons why Organization Needs an IAM

Organization Data security breaches

When information breaches occur, individual private information is put at threat. For business organizations, their public picture also suffers. Business organizations also suffer serious monetary implications (Gunter, Liebovitz, & Malin, 2011). According to a recent researches, the ordinary cost for each single record that is breached, costs the organization between $110 and $150. Expenses consist of individual acclaim monitoring, legal charges and expenses related to IT forensic corporations. Some organizations suffered system information breaches that led to loss of millions of dollars. IAM resolutions play an essential role in ensuring overall system security and organized compliance.

Limiting system redundancy to increase productivity and minimize money wastage

A research in IT study, carried out by Aegis Identity Software, Inc. indicated that upwards of 65percent of business organizations Help Desk time was consumed solving redundant password problems for organization workers (Hummer, Gaubatz, Stremberk, Zdun, & Dustdar, 2011). In over 25 percent of the organizations who respondent, Help desk personnel’s tackled these disputes often or very often. An IAM resolution with identity-service password management aptitudes would alleviate these issues.

Inefficient provisioning and de-provisioning procedures impacting user capability and compliance

Today’s organization employees and staff anticipate an experience which will enable them to get their user identity, set a system password, privilege their email accounts and have entrée to basic applications and are unremitting once enlistment starts. IT systems do not have programmed provisioning and de-provisioning processes impact both on the user capability and are subject to organizational audit and compliance problems. Automation via the use of an IAM resolution enriches user capability and defiance (Engan, et al., 2013).

Recommendation on the current IAM technology for implementation

As an organization grow comfortable with security and reliability of cloud based services and find ways to leverage the cloud in its operations, cloud based IAM should not be overlooked. Identification as a service (IDaas) can give much more than a meek single sign-on and the motives to embrace IDaaS are as fascinating as the motives to embrace any other cloud based service (Engan, et al., 2013).

Need for a Reliable Access

The key motive, in fact, is the need for a constant round-the-clock safe access and assured access in the course of critical periods. Gone astray access matches lost money, since every part of current business now requires internet availability to function. This comprises email, IM, and the VoIP to rear-office ERP (Gunter, Liebovitz, & Malin, 2011). All of those solicitations must be incorporated into a system that can offer secure entrance only to authorized employees, whenever those employees demand it.

For on-grounds IAM, though, it has been discovered that intensifying an IAM infrastructure to handle peak demand periods that probably may only represent small percentage of the overall utilization time simply isn’t feasible. On the other hand, cloud-based resolutions, like IDaaS, offer an organization flexibility to hastily expand to meet short-term peak demand glitches and then swiftly contract as the need declines (Engan, et al., 2013). IDaaS similarly provides a smart solution to one of the most communal problems encrustation IT sectors: being swamped with new solicitations and systems. Once given the role of running an Interchange server and sustaining desktops, the IT sector may lack the instruments and specialized proficiency to keep all the new applications and structures running and integrated with the present user-access resolutions and workflows (Gunter, Liebovitz, & Malin, 2011).

Cost Savings

The automation conveyed by cloud based IAM structures reorganizes identity and access tasks, decreasing the time that an organization spends on routine, low-price, yet extremely error-prone, tasks. It frees up organization time and possessions to expand productivity in more tactical areas. Identity management in the cloud enables an organization reap those same paybacks without having to purchase or sustain hardware (Engan, et al., 2013).



As organizations flinch discovering more digital inventiveness, comprising cloud and mobile, the significance of IAM is becoming vital. IT professionals settle that IAM is significant to their digital victory but it has also become an exclusive level primacy with 84 percent of respondents’ thinking IAM is critical to adoption of cloud. Cloud implementation has become acute for businesses to stay competitive, and as a vibrant piece of a business’s IT sector, IAM is ripe for trek to the cloud, too. The basic benefits of the cloud relate to IDaaS just as eagerly as they do other common cloud-based organization applications: Cloud hosting allows organizations to certify more unfailing access to systems while reducing costs, prominent to a win for all convoluted.


Engan, Farsai, Ionescu, Smith, Seward, Joul, & Yiu. (2013). identity and access management theory. Washington DC: US press.

Fremantle, Aziz, Kopecky, & Scott. (2012). Federated identity and access management for the internet of things. journal of international secure internet of things, 234.

Gaedke, Meinecke, & Nussbaumer. (2012). A modeling approach to federated identity and access management.

Gunter, Liebovitz, & Malin. (2011). Experience based access management; a life cycle framework for identity and access management systems. journal of IEEE security and privacy.

Hummer, Gaubatz, Stremberk, Zdun, & Dustdar. (2011). An intergrated approach for identity and access management context.


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