Implementing Effective Organization Change

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Implementing Effective Organization Change

Topic: How can company implement effective organization change?


Your company (A food processing factory) bought a new digital system for company operation. The new system mainly has the below new functions:

  • Sales Department: Sales data analysis and apply sales routine though GPS record
  • Purchasing Department: Stock Forecasting & production planning
  • Human Resources Department: All staff record become digital and need to transfer to staff data to the new system
  • Company approval process: All operational/financial approval though new system

Company size: 200 people

Company issue: Over 50% employee (especially factory workers and those staff work for over 10 years) do not willing to change and create problem such as low job security, low morale, increased workload during transitional period. Top management push very hard to their employee to adopt the new system.

Task: Integrate & apply any two OB theories to analyze & “solve” this question of your choosing. These can be two theories in the same area of OB (e.g., 2 leadership theories) or two theories in two different areas of OB (e.g., 1 motivation theory + 1 stress theory). It is important to select the appropriate theory that provides you with adequate insight into this topic. You should justify the selection of these theories over possible others. Apply all aspects of the theory to your organizational issue to provide insight for “solving” this question. Provide recommendations based on the theory for solving this issue. The key is to apply OB theory to your workplace to answer your proposed question & generate insight that can help you solve this question. Note: Please allow 24h to submit your paper to Turnitin to generate the report.

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