Introduction to Environmental Health

Introduction to Environmental Health

 You have been recruited to run a COVID-19 vaccine awareness program. As a public health practitioner, you must create a strategic statement built on a system’s thinking framework in order to define the target community and publicize the vaccination campaign in order to influence certain populations to get vaccinated.

  1. Please create a system thinking diagram that involves all aspects such as elements, interconnection, and causal loops such as negative and positive feedback, considering how infectious disease is spread into to the environment and among individuals. Including COVID-19 environmental health factors such as the disease’s origins, spread, health effects, and mitigation steps. To create the informative diagram, please use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Explain each feature and its interconnectedness after you’ve drawn the systems thinking schematic.
  2. Utilizing the template given above, establish a one-page policy statement that contains prevention steps such as vaccination, mask usage, social distancing, and proper sanitation to protect people’s health and well-being and reduce severe infections.


APA 7th style citation with in-text

Please do not send the prior essays/article made by you for another client.

Include a “works cited” bibliography at the end to reference the sources of information collected.  It would be very useful to acquire the latest version of the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Example of systems thinking: This diagram shows the relation of transportation with the environment, economy, and society. Source: Onat et al., 2017

Objectives of this course:

Understand, evaluate, and mitigate various environmental and occupational exposures that influence human health.Use text and journal readings to identify and communicate trends in environmental and occupational health. Conceptually develop and implement policies and programs to reduce environmental and occupational health hazards. Identify the various roles of the public health practitioner and administrator in the field of environmental and occupational health. Understand health hazards common to a variety of environments and describe communication and education strategies for environmental and occupational health promotion.Evaluate sampling technologies and reference databases relating to environmental and occupational health.

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