IT-210 Final Project Milestone Two

IT-210 Final Project Milestone Two


This assignment is the second milestone that you will complete for your final project. This is an important practice opportunity to draft this section now and get instructor feedback that will help you improve upon your final submission. This is graded differently than the final project given this is a practice opportunity. Review the rubric for full details.

If you have not already reviewed your feedback from your instructor on Milestone One do so now. Make any corrections or adjustments to improve upon that section of your draft so that you are working from good premises before beginning this Milestone which depends on that information.

To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Template and Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric documents.

[This is an APA-formatted template for the final project: Please be sure to remove ALL of the example content from this document prior to submission, as it is only there to help and provide examples. Example content is highlighted and surrounded with brackets within the document.]km

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