Juvenile Practices in the Community

Juvenile Practices in the Community

3-4 Paragraphs EACH topic, references.

Topic 1: Juvenile Drug Use in your Community 

What illegal drug do you believe is most   commonly used by juveniles in your community? What do you base this opinion   upon? Provide examples to support your position.

Topic 2: Monetary Costs of Juvenile   Delinquency

You have learned that the costs of   juvenile delinquency are significant. The research estimates that a juvenile   delinquent costs society somewhere between $80,000-$325,000.

  • What are   some methods that can be employed within our society to mitigate or reduce   these costs?

Topic 3: Juvenile Probation

  • What is the purpose of juvenile probation?
  • Identify some conditions of probation and discuss the responsibilities of the juvenile probation officer.

Topic 4: Alternative Sanctions

Many programs employing alternative   sanctions have been designed to break the pattern of delinquency early or   otherwise address juvenile offending through meaningful programming,   frequently outside of the formal correctional environment.

  • Please identify a program that employs alternative sanctions for juvenile offenders and   describe the program to the class.
  • In your description, please include the theoretical premise behind the program, as well as any outcome metrics to   support efficacy of the program.
  • Do not forget to cite your sources

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