Law Assignment: Answer the Questions

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Law Assignment: Answer the Questions

  1. Who were the first Europeans to become engaged in the slave trade on the African coast?
  2. What three countries in modern-dayAfrica does Professor Gates visit? Note the map.
  3. About what percentage of the slaves in the slave castle died before they made it onto ships?
  4. Whose permission did Europeans need to establish slave-trading enterprises, including the castles?
  5. Are the members of Ashanti (Asante) royalty still important in today’s Ghanaian society? Explain briefly.
  6. The Asante spokesman says they “regret” their involvement in the slave trade. Do you think he is sincere? Why or why not?
  7. In the old days, one cannon was traded for how many slaves?
  8. What is most striking about the present-dayAmazons, the personal bodyguards of the current King of Dahomey?
  9. The kings of Dahomey continued to participate in the slave trade until what year?
  10. What interests or surprises you most about the practice of vodun(voodoo)? [Please do not just repeat what he says but explain in your own words.
  11. How does Martine de Souza (the woman) feel about being descended from Don Francisco?
  12. We heard arguments that the African kings either knew or didn’t know about the brutality of the transatlantic slave trade. In your opinion, which is true ? Why? Explain in a brief paragraph.
  13. How has this film affected your understanding of the transatlantic slave trade? What most surprised you about the history of the trade and/or about contemporary West Africa as presented in this film? Explain in a short essay


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