LDRS420 Orchestra Conductor Experience

LDRS420 Orchestra Conductor Experience

Unit 8 Quiz

  1. How can the experience of continuous change be likened to that of an orchestra conductor?
  2. How does change in the acceleration of change going to affect people negatively?
  3. What is the danger of managers becoming “hooked” on change?
  4. What are two kinds of forecasting that can actually help you get ready for change?
  5. How can worst case scenarios help you to be ready for change?
  6. What do the authors mean when they say “only if continuous change is normalized as the new status quo can it be assimilated”?
  7. Explain three of the eleven ways to rebuild trust in an organization.
  8. Explain the importance of the statement “Sell problems, not solutions”.
  9. Explain the perspective of “Challenge and response restores a sense of control and purpose to people, no matter at what level of the organization they work”.

LDRS 420

Unit 9 Quiz

  1. What is a group and what is a team?
  2. Why are teams needed?
  3. What are some of the structures of change teams?
  4. Briefly discus the five ways to improve teams effectiveness.
  5. What are 5 attributes of effective teams?
  6. What are 5 attributes of ineffective/less adaptive teams?
  7. What questions are teams asking in their forming stage?
  8. What things are teams testing in their storming stage?
  9. What does the norming stage look like?
  10. What does the performing stage look like?
  11. What happens when team members are similar in their temperament?
  12. In the team role descriptions in table 2.6 describe a formal or informal role you have played in a team: what your contributions were and what you may have being the limitations.

LDRS 420

Unit 10 Quiz

  1. There are 8 metaphors mentioned in the text about how organizations work. Choose one and summarize it in your own words, then give an example of how you’ve seen this metaphor in action.
  2. Describe Lewin’s three step model of change in your own words. Give an example of seeing this in action.
  3. What is the potential weakness in Kotter’s model of organizational change?
  4. What is the strength of the cycle of change model connected to the Beckard and Harris formula?
  5. What is the strength of the Nadler and Tushman model?
  6. What is the strength of the Bridges model of change?
  7. What are Senge thoughts and suggestions about organizational change?
  8. In hugely complex environments what is the leader’s role?

LDRS 420

Unit 12 Quiz

  1. Describe each of the four models of change agency.
  2. What is a strength and thing to watch for in the consultancy model?
  3. Describe the three roles of consultancy.
  4. Looking at the difference between internal and external change agents which would you feel more comfortable being? Why?
  5. When is it best to have internal change agents? External change agents?
  6. When facilitating individual change what is the key task?
  7. If you were a consultant which context would you consider the most important for you to be able to help an organization in a change program? Why?
  8. In the Caluwe and Vermaak model there are five types of change agents needed represented by colours. Choose one that you would feel most comfortable with and describe the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to be successful in your own words.
  9. Block states that attention always needs to be paid to what two processes?

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