Madagascar Film industry Discussion
The cinema of Madagascar refers to the fi industry in Madagascar. The most notable director is Raymond Rajaonarivelo, director of movies such as Quand Les Etoiles Rencontrent La Mer (When the Stars Meet the Sea) and Tabataba (The Spreading of Rumors). The oldest cinematographic production entirely produced in Madagascar by a Malagasy is a 22 minutes black and white movie entitled Rasalama Martiora. Directed in 1937 by the deacon Philippe Raberojo, it marked the centenary of the death of the Protestant martyr Rafaravavy Rasalama….. more
Buchanan, S. (2015). When Image Meets Magic: Learning to See in Raymond Rajaonarivelo’s Quand les étoiles rencontrent la mer. Research in African Literatures, 46(3), 190-213. doi:10.2979/reseafrilite.46.3.190
Quande les Etoiles Recontrent La Mer [When the Stars Meet the Sea]. Raymond
Rajaonarivelo. (Carmel L. Haynes)
Karine Blanchon. Cinéma malgache : un patrimoine culturel en sursis. Travaux & documents, Université de La Réunion, Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, 2018, Regards croisés sur le patrimoine malgache : transmission et régénération d’un héritage vivant, pp.15–28. ⟨hal-02267910⟩ (Links to an external site.)
Henley, P. (1984). The 1984 RAI Film Prize. RAIN, (62), 1-12. doi:10.2307/3033358
The 1984 RAI Film Prize on JSTOR (Links to an external site.)
Buchanan, S. B. (2017). When image meets magic : learning to see in Raymond Rajaonarivelo’s “Quand les étoiles recontrent la mer.” Journal of Religion in Africa, 47(1), 146.
Schwalm, T. (2015). Home Is Where the Zoo Is. Society & Animals, 23(2), 202–207. (Links to an external site.)
Home Is Where the Zoo Is.: EBSCOhost
Research Paper
The research paper will be used to determine if you have satisfied Santa Fe’s General Education Learning Outcome (GELO) for Global-Socio-Cultural Responsibility. This outcome requires students to demonstrate an understanding of diversity/pluralism in the world community. This lesson will address the writing component of the final project.
Lesson Objectives:
- identify the grading criteria established in the assignment description
- develop the outline into a full research paper
- evaluate other student work in a peer review
- revise and submit a final research paper for a grade
Assignment Description & Grading Criteria
The GELO assignment description provided in the Final Project web lesson provides a detailed grading rubric to assist you in meeting the GELO assignment objectives. The Topic Selection, Annotated Bibliography, and Paper Outline activities guided you through the process. It is important to focus on the objectives of the GELO assignment during the writing aspect of the project.
The Objectives of the GELO Assignment for HUM2420
- define a perspective in a thesis statement that is relevant to diversity/pluralism in Africa,
- interpret expressive culture in Africa according to unique and changing social and historical contexts
- analyze cultural diversity in Africa using information from scholarly sources
- synthesize new information in a conclusion that ties diversity/pluralism in Africa to a broader global context
Research Paper
The research paper will be used to determine if you have satisfied Santa Fe’s General Education Learning Outcome (GELO) for Global-Socio-Cultural Responsibility. This outcome requires students to demonstrate an understanding of diversity/pluralism in the world community. This lesson will address the writing component of the final project.
Lesson Objectives:
- identify the grading criteria established in the assignment description
- develop the outline into a full research paper
- evaluate other student work in a peer review
- revise and submit a final research paper for a grade
Assignment Description & Grading Criteria
The GELO assignment description provided in the Final Project web lesson provides a detailed grading rubric to assist you in meeting the GELO assignment objectives. The Topic Selection, Annotated Bibliography, and Paper Outline activities guided you through the process. It is important to focus on the objectives of the GELO assignment during the writing aspect of the project.
The Objectives of the GELO Assignment for HUM2420
- define a perspective in a thesis statement that is relevant to diversity/pluralism in Africa,
- interpret expressive culture in Africa according to unique and changing social and historical contexts
- analyze cultural diversity in Africa using information from scholarly sources
- synthesize new information in a conclusion that ties diversity/pluralism in Africa to a broader global context
Writing the research paper is simply a matter of adding flesh to the bones created by the outline. Many writers get stuck by starting at the top and attempting to write the introduction first. Yet, the introduction addresses what is in the body, so it is wiser to create the body of the paper first by fleshing out the background and the supporting data sections. It is not unusual to build the sections with sentence fragments of data as you organize your information. you can then go back and work them into complete sentences and paragraphs. Once they are complete, write the introduction and conclusion last.
The paper will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- The paper must include all sections specified in the paragraph chart in the assignment description.
- Use subheadings to organize each section of the paper to ensure they are there.
- The paper must be a research-based analysis of a phenomena related to African Humanities.
- The paper must have a thesis statement. Put it in bold or italics so it is obvious and easy to find.
- The data in the body of the paper must support the thesis statement in the introduction.
- The paper must use terms & concepts presented in the course. These are words and phrases in bold and italics throughout the web lessons. Use bold or italics to make them stand out in your paper. For example, if your paper is addressing the how a food with African origins, such as coffee, has influenced beverages throughout the world, you should use terms and concepts from the Globalization & Diaspora lesson.
Writing Style
- The paper should use declarative sentences; avoid ‘I think,’ slang, tangents
- Do not editorialize; this is not an essay.
- The paper should not promote stereotypes, misinformation or generalizations about African people. If you are going to address topics such as violence, oppression, etc., it is important to situate the phenomena in its social and historical contexts.
- Use transition sentences to connect your paragraphs.
- Write authoritatively. You have done scholarly research on this topic, so write like an expert.
- READ THE PAPER ALOUD. It should sound as though you are addressing a large audience.
Spelling and Grammar
- Always conduct a spellcheck before submitting a paper.
- Read aloud to check for grammatical errors.
- Use an online grammar check such as for assistance.
- There must be at least five scholarly references in the bibliography.
- There must be in-text referencing within the body of the paper.
- The bibliography must be properly formatted using any citation style.
- Failure to include references and in-text citations will result in an automatic ‘0’.
The paper should be formatted to the following criteria:
- minimum five pages (2,500 words) double-spaced (it is OK to go over)
- Times New Roman, 12 point font
- one-inch margins
- no extra spaces between paragraphs
- name date and title in header
- title page is not required and does not count toward five page minimum
- references should be on a separate page and it does not count toward five page minimum.
Feel free to download and use the properly formatted Word template:
Last Name HUM2420 Paper Download
The GELO assignment description includes a paragraph chart to help you meet the GELO objectives. attached