Marketing to Generation Case Study

Marketing to Generation Case Study


Develop and submit the ‘Marketing to Generation Y‘ Case Study. Answer the following questions and make sure you connect your answers to the corresponding chapter concepts.

Questions for the case study

  1. Do you agree with the article that targeting to Generation Y is the right marketing strategy for Banks? Why? Elaborate adding supporting concepts from the textbook.
  2. In addition to what is presented in the article, what other activities you think would help banks get those targeted customers? What about the rest potential customers? Should banks care about them or focus on Generation Y only?
  3. Do you think that targeting to Generation Y would be a good marketing strategy for any type of business? Why? Elaborate adding supporting concepts from the textbook.

Note.- There is no minimum pages required. However, your work needs to include references and citations to those relevant concepts from the corresponding chapter of the textbook.

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