MBO Operations Management Assignment
Assessment task:
In-class Test Weighting: 40% Date/time/method of submission: Week 8 The in-class test will cover various aspects of business operations such as operation strategy, product design and process design. In addition to that, the test covers queue management, inventory management and capacity management.
Assessment 2 Assessment task: Report Weighting: 60%
Critical analysis and evaluation of operations, you are required to select and research an organisation with a view to reporting on its operations.
Report is divided into 3 main parts:
- The first part deals with the background of the operations.
- The second part deals with the transformation process, the five performance objectives and the four Module Study Guide template – May 2018 7 V’s of operations management.
- The third part deals with process design.
Assessment Criteria
PART ONE – Background of the Operations (15%)
- Identify an organisation with which you are familiar and briefly describe its general and business context: – Purpose, – Size, – Competitors (Including Direct and Indirect Competitors) – Target customers, – Recent Company performance.
PART TWO – Transformation Processes and Evaluation of the Operations (45%)
- Describe the main operations of the organisation in terms of inputs, transformation processes, and outputs.
- Analyse the organisation in terms of the four V’s of operations management : – Volume, – Variety, – Variation, – Visibility. Note: (If your chosen organisation is diversified you may find it easier to consider different products/services that the organisation offers, rather than considering the organisation as a whole)
- Evaluate what each of the five operations performance objectives means to the organisation and which factors are most valued by its customers. Note: (again this might be different for different products/services).
PART THREE – Process Design (40%)
Identify a key process within your chosen organisation, which you would be involved with as an operations manager to meet organisation objectives:
- Describe the layout and the flow of: – Customers, – Materials (including supply chain), – Information.
- Discuss what you think are the main objectives of the process design, and whether or not these objectives are being achieved.
- Identify any problems within the operations and what solutions to be implemented Module Study Guide template – May 2018
- Describe how control and feedback mechanisms might be used within the process to meet objectives of the organisation and needs of customers.
The reading list for this module is Essential Reading
- Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. and Johnston, R. (2016). ‘Operations Management’, 8th Ed,Pearson. Recommended Reading Jones, P & Robinson, P (2012)
- Operations Management Oxford University Press Slack, N., Chambers, S. and Johnston, R. (2010)
- Operations Management, 6th edition. FT Prentice Hall Slack, N & Brandon-Jones, A (2008)
- Quantitative Analysis in Operations Management Pearson Burtenshaw-Gunn, S (2010) Essential Tools for Operations Management, Wiley Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. and Johnston, R. (2011)
- ‘Essentials of Operations Management’, FT Prentice Hall. Schroeder, R. G., (2008) ‘Operations Management’, 4th edition. McGraw Hill.