MGMT20143 Think Big Assignment

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MGMT20143 Think Big Assignment

Team Charter (Sample)


The Charter on hand is an explicit evidence of team members of Students United whom are Member 1, Member 2, and Member 3 agreeing to the terms and conditions laid out in the following pages.

It legitimizes the guidelines that members will adhere to for the purpose of working as an effective team to complete the Team Project successfully in the context of the given Team Assessment as a part of completing MGMT20143 Think Big at CQUniversity.

Team Members

Name: Member 1
Student Number: 123456
Major(s): Master’s in Commerce
Undergraduate background IT
Work Experience Worked in IT company for 2 years
Country of Origin India


Strength: Good in verbal communication and organizing people

Networking, adaptive to new environments

Weakness: Get stressed easily
Personality type: ISTJ
Fun Fact I had a twin brother.
Goal for the semester Improving time management and achieving distinction grade in this subject


Name: Member 2
Student Number: 234567
Major(s): Master’s in Commerce
Undergraduate background IT
Work Experience No work experience
Country of Origin Bangladesh


Strength: Good in IT and business, operation re-engineering processes
Weakness: Not good in English writing and speaking
Personality type: ENTJ
Fun Fact I hate dishes with caraway.
Goal for the semester Improving writing and speaking English!!! Get good final result!


Name: Member 3
Student Number: 345678
Major(s): Master’s in Commerce
Undergraduate background IT
Work Experience Currently working as Uber Eats delivery
Country of Origin India


Strength: Good in English writing skills
Weakness: Not good in creativity
Personality type: ENTJ
Fun Fact I grew up in Dubai
Goal for the semester Improving in creativity and generating new ideas


Members of Students United (SU) pledge to contribute their skillsets in the best of their capabilities, regardless of culture and background for the objective of achieving a score of 95 in this team project and win funding for our project. Should the team accomplish this milestone, we shall reward ourselves with a meal and drinks at Melbourne’s best venues. MGMT20143 Think Big Assignment


Member Roles

SU recognizes the factor needed for maximum contribution by every member through specialization of tasks. This has led to SU segregating specific roles to each of its members being :

  • Team Leader/Organizer/Facilitator: Member 1
  • Researcher/Devil’s Advocate: Member 2
  • Planner/Time Keeper/Editor: Member 3

It is acknowledged by SU that members will capitalize on their strengths to perform specific tasks in areas in which they have expertise on and provide insight to other members who may not be as proficient. This will enable members to build fundamentals in leading different areas of the team project which includes:

Member 2 Lead Researcher

The main engine of generating different ideas and operational feasibility of proposed business model, sourcing out relevant market information and advising on latest technology advancement. MGMT20143 Think Big Assignment

Member 3 Lead Writer/Editor

Lead writers will develop and plan writing the business pitch and presentation for investors and academic board. Keeps track of the flow and grammar of the written business model innovation proposal and content. The editor holds the responsibility of proofreading the assessment, advising improvements on areas of the assessment where needed before final submissions and presentation.

Member 1 – Leader/Organiser

Leaders will overlook the entire procedures and processes involving idea generating, developing and choosing a business model suitable for the chosen idea, leads discussion and organizing team in selecting the best idea, identifies potential partners and investors for the proposed business venture. The leader sets deadlines and assigns tasks to members to accomplish for each deadline. The leader helps members through conflict of opinions and ideas to ensure the continuous flow of constructive criticism. MGMT20143 Think Big Assignment

Member Obligations

In order to achieve a common objective, the members of SU pledge to conduct themselves accordingly:

  1. Utilise team meetings for maximum efficiency – members will engage in lively discussion and contribute to their fullest extent
  2. Construct a detailed “plan of attack” for each section of the assignment
  3. Maintain prompt, clear and open communication with other members of the group
  4. Accomplish assigned duties promptly and to the best of our abilities
  5. Review the work of our peers honestly and openly
  6. Be open to constructive feedback and contrasting perspectives
  7. Foster a respectful and supportive environment that allows for the generation of new ideas
  8. Maintain correct academic conduct, including but not limited to, the preclusion of plagiarism in any form or way
  9. Ensure our work is of a satisfactory standard as agreed upon by the team
  10. Submit our work punctually. MGMT20143 Think Big Assignment


Conflict Resolution

  1. It is expected that team members fulfill their assigned share of work by the specified date and time
    1. Any problems encountered by a team member will be discussed individually with a team leader or at a team meeting
    2. Alternate arrangements will be organised and any conflicts resolved
  2. Major decisions will be made collaboratively with the inclusion of all team members. The opinion, viewpoint, and thought of each member will be fully considered and reviewed, in order to reach a consensus of majority
  3. Should arguments or brainstorming sessions get too rowdy or heated, parties with contrasting ideas will be required to:
    1. Take turns holding a talking stick and explain the pros and cons of their idea
    2. Listen intently to the opposing party’s suggestion
    3. Allow for majority decision from other group members

Meetings & Communication Channels

Two face-to-face meetings per week where attendance is compulsory for all team members: Example

11 am – 12 pm    Monday

10 am – 12 pm    Tuesday

Main Communication: Facebook & Google Drive

Secondary Platforms: CQU Email, SMS Text, Team Wiki, Phone

Room bookings [By Leader]: CQU Melbourne Level 2 Library

Contingency Plans

In the case that external, unforeseen circumstances influence strict promptness, alternate arrangements are required to be organized by the parties resolving such conflicts. MGMT20143 Think Big Assignment. Some examples include:

  • In the event of absenteeism, members are responsible for keeping up to date with other parties, any new developments (detailed in our Google Document) and meeting their obligations
  • At the first team meeting, the team selected Monday 11am-12pm and Tuesday 10am-12pm as favourable meeting times. In case of unexpected timetabling clashes, a contingency time of Friday 3pm-4pm was established. Alternatively, if several parties were unavailable during the week, Skype group calling was discussed.
  • The team designated 27 April to be our internal deadline. This meant there was one week’s worth of leeway to account for any unforeseen circumstances

Assignment 3: Presentation and Written Assessment (40% Weight)

Deadline: Week 12 Monday (28 May 2018) 11:45 pm AEST

There are two parts to Assessment 3:

  • Part 1: The pitch requires everyone in the team to present the idea and sell the proposed business venture to an ‘investor’.
  • Part 2: Involves the group/team providing a portfolio of materials (three items) that supports the pitch together with the team charter that has guided the performance of the group/team.


Everything within the team’s power must be done to meet each deadline set forth in the following schedule below. Unforeseen problem or any changes will be amended in the schedule as well in order to produce and organize an excellent report by the due date.

Date Task What is Due? Completed?
7/5 Pit Stop: Plan the work ahead and   divide the tasks Team Charter and  
7/5 Review each members completed work for Assignment 2 In teams read and review each submitted idea and business model  
8/5 Meet to discuss and select the best idea from Assignment 2 Select the best idea  
14/5  Brainstorm and research    for your business model innovation  Individual tasks divided  
15/4 Design your business concept and business model Individually think of a business concept and business model design and meet for brainstorming  
21/5  Discuss, select and generate the most suitable business concept and business model for your innovation  Decide and conclude the final business model innovation and work in a team to design and complete your business venture idea for business pitch  
22/5  Deliberate on feasibility of each component of your business venture Delphi-techniques, question each assumption in your business model innovation  
23/5 Final Go Through  Prepare the final Draft for part 1 and 2  
24/5 Internal Deadline Completed Assignment is due  



Contingency Period

 Review and check every step in the process  
28/5 Official Deadline Submission of Assignment  



Member Signature

Members hereby declare their commitment and abidance to the aforementioned terms, conditions, processes and responsibilities.

Member 1

Signature                                                                               Date

Member 2

Signature                                                                               Date

Member 3

Signature                                                                               Date

 Lecturer/Tutor                      _________                                       

Signature                                          Date

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