MGMT6018 Business Law & International Contexts

MGMT6018 Business Law & International Contexts


Students will choose one country in one of: Far East Asia, Africa, or Latin America. Students will elaborate on the legal system of their chosen country in a matrix of their design to include the legal structure, contracts, agency and employment law, intellectual property and the law of torts. The selected country is referred to as the ‘scenario country.’


Students individually will explore legal concepts that will apply across all business transactions (contract, tort, IP and agency and employment relations). Students will individually analyse the legal business structures for transactions in a scenario country as outlined above. The results of the research into legal concepts, business structures and transactions in the scenario country is to be displayed in a matrix of the student’s design.

A draft of the work to-date is due for review and feedback at the end of Module 3.

The final product is due at the end of Module 6.

Students should use the instructions here as the prescribed requirements. Students should use the rubric below to inform the standard required and the criteria by which submissions will be assessed.