HC1031 Managing People and Organisations

HC1031 Managing People and Organisations

Assignment Specifications


This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of marketing management


Answer All FIVE (5) of the following questions. The questions come from the recorded tutorial questions from week 7 to week 11.

Question 1 Week 7: Tutorial 6 (10 marks)

Describe the characteristics common to companies that are able to successfully innovate in highly competitive markets.  List five examples of characteristics of a creative organization. Answer this question in 300 words.  You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly).

Question 2 Week 8: Tutorial 7 (10 marks)

Differentiate between ‘challenge stress’ and ‘threats stress’. Define first the challenge stress and threats stress then use examples to illustrate your answer.  Answer this question in 300 words.  You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly)

Question 3 Week 9: Tutorial 8 (10 marks)

Distinguish between charismatic and transformational leadership.

Define what charismatic and transformation leadership is and then compare the differences between two leadership styles by listing pros and cons of each leadership style.   Answer this question in 300 words.  You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly).

Question 4 Week 10: Tutorial 9 (10 marks)

‘There are many reasons why an employee’s performance might not meet expected standards.’ Explain and Discuss.  Answer this question in 300 words.

You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources from ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly).

Question 5 Week 11: Tutorial 10 (10 marks)

What are self-directed teams? Briefly discuss three characteristics or elements of selfdirected teams.  Answer this question in 300 words.  You must support your discussion by referring to 3 additional academic sources e.g. ProQuest (Harvard referencing is required and ensure that you reference them correctly).

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