MKT11109 Individual Assessment B

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MKT11109 Individual Assessment B

Marketing and Building High Performance Organisations (MKT11109) Individual Report Assessment B

Coursework B Assessment

2500 (+/- 10%) word report – MBHPO module

You will be required to undertake an individual written paper related to a particular organisation of your choice. The overall aim is to evaluate ways in which changes within this organisation’s MACRO environment might impact upon its marketing strategies and activities.


You will be assessed on your ability to:

Within a hypothetical scenario of a potential change in any of the MACRO environment forces of your chosen organisation:

  1. Critically evaluate the company’s strategies for sustainable competitive advantage, segmentation (including targeting and  positioning) and branding
  2. Identify and critically assess two opportunities for growth within the organisation’s MACRO environments
  3. Make clear links to the marketing theory that underpins your work
  4. Write a logical, well-presented and accurately referenced piece of work

The length of the report will be 2500 words +/- 10%. The word count limit is there to test your skills of conciseness and focus – keep your work relevant to the subject matter.

Key sections with suggestions as to word count

  Contents Approximate

Word Count

1. Brief summary statement of the change in any of the MACRO environment forces of your chosen organisation. 200 10%
2. Potential impact on marketing strategies under the following headings:

·         Competitive advantage

·         Segmentation, targeting and positioning

·         Branding

1700 50%
3. Identify 2 specific growth opportunities in the company’s macro environments and set out what the company should do to take advantage of these 600 30%
5. Bibliography (not included in the word count) 10%

You will be awarded marks for each of the above sections from F6-D5 with weightings applied to each.

Report Specifications:

Your report should be a maximum of 2500 words (+/- 10%) excluding title page, references, and appendices. Sticking to a strict word limit is difficult and an important skill for you to acquire, so make sure that you write in a concise and focused manner. It should be typed font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing and must be presented in portrait format, not landscape.

An essential feature of the report is to illustrate how theoretical constructs or models can be critically analysed and applied to organisations in practice. You are therefore advised to read widely. In fact, unless you have read and referenced at least 25 discrete references, it is unlikely that you have done sufficient reading. Beware of sources from the Internet (no Wikipedia or business balls): apart from reputable and academic references that can be downloaded through the Internet (commonly via the library catalogue); most Internet references are not considered reliable for an academic piece of work. Academic journals generally offer a better source than textbooks. 


You must use the APA 6th Referencing system.

Marking Criteria:

Your submission will be marked against five criteria presented on the marking guide. You are expected to demonstrate strong critical thinking and analytical reasoning at postgraduate level.  Please make sure you are clear on these requirements and seek advice as required.

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