Module 1 Assessment Theoretical Analysis

Module 1 Assessment Theoretical Analysis


Module 1 introduced you to the discipline of sociology including sociological theory. You learned the basic assumptions and propositions of the three main theoretical paradigms sociologists use to explain and understand the social world (i.e., structural functional, social conflict, and symbolic interaction paradigm). Each of the three paradigms leads us to interpret aging, and issues related to older persons, in particular ways and enables us to guide interventions to improve human conditions (Bengtson & Settersten, 2016). In this assessment you will apply each of the three theoretical paradigms to a topic relevant to the study of aging.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the central ideas of structural functional, social conflict, and symbolic interaction paradigms.
  • Apply the three theoretical paradigms to a topic relevant to the study of aging.


Construct three short paragraphs, one for each of the three theoretical paradigms. In each paragraph, describe the theoretical paradigm in 2 – 3 sentences (what is all about? how do they see the social world?, Important concept that they were prefer to in a paradigm). Then discuss how the paradigm can be used to understand one of the following topics in 5-7 sentences: Choose only one topic

  1. Retirement
  2. Caregiving
  3. Medically Assisted Dying
  4. Elder Abuse

Note: Apply all three paradigms to the same topic. That is, how does structural functional, social conflict, and symbolic interaction paradigm explain retirement?

To help you with this assessment refer to the following resources:

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