Module 5: Teaching Plan

Module 5: Teaching Plan

Objective: Create a teaching plan deciding on a family problem, planning an intervention, and creating a teaching plan for the chosen plan.

Create a paper:

  1. Decide on a family problem/concept based on the family assessment completed in prior modules.
  2. Plan an intervention based on your choice of the family problem and interview questions to the family.
  3. Create a teaching plan in table format using the nursing process which includes 4 columns. Discuss the teaching plan in paragraph format after the table.
    1. Assessment of family with problem identified.
    2. Nursing Diagnosis (using NANDA nursing diagnosis) related to and as evidenced by.
    3. Reference and hyperlink NANDA site correctly with NANDA diagnosis.
    4. Expected outcomes defined using time-oriented goalswith one short-term goal and one long-term goal.g. The family will…in one week, or one month or two months, etc.
    5. Community nursing interventions using community resources.-state two (2) specific local community resources found in the family’s community. 
    6. Contact both of the community resources (by telephone, face-to-face, or virtual meeting) and connect the community agency and the family.
    7. Discuss with the family how the community agency/resource can assist them with a problem that are experiencing.
    8. Use correct spelling, grammar, and 7th APA format.
    9. Follow posted rubric. Two attempts to submit the assignment are allowed-the first for references and one for the paper. Submit the references separately. Do not submit references in Safe Assign.