Motivational Theory Training & Development

Motivational Theory Training & Development

Question: TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Directions: Read The Questions Below And Answer Each Question In A Clear And Organized Paragraph. Each Paragraph Should Include A Clear And Precise Summary That Directly Addresses The Question And Includes 1–2 Direct Quotes From The Primary Materials Of The Course, And At Least 5 Additional Sentences That Analyze The Direct

  1. Read the questions below and answer each question in a clear and organized paragraph.
  2. Each paragraph should include a clear and precise summary that directly addresses the question and includes 1–2 direct quotes from the primary materials of the course, and at least 5 additional sentences that analyze the direct quotes and explain how the evidence supports your statement.

Question 1:  

We know that motivational theories are a key component of the design of training programs.  Do you think most “HR Generalists” would be well-versed in these theories?  Why or why not?  If training programs are designed without this foundational knowledge what will the impact be to the overall success of the program?

Question 2:   

What design elements would you incorporate into a training program that will ensure employees needs and motivations are met?  Describe the elements specifically as well as the benefits that will be derived by participants and the organization by designing a program to include these elements.

Question 3:

Consider your own personal needs and motivations in terms of learning.  Think of a course you have taken previously and describe the theories of learning and motivation that were used and how they resulted in enhanced learning for you.  What else could have been done to further improve your learning experience?

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