Nursing Informatics Project Proposal

Nursing Informatics Project Proposal

The Project Proposed

Various healthcare institutions have acknowledged the importance of emerging technology in their commercial undertakings, which turns out to be part of the day to day relations with clients and organization of data relating to their health (Bresnick, 2017). Precisely, the use of technology that helps in managing health records in hospitals, like the use of electronic health records in place of paper records, has contributed into upsurge in the quality and accuracy of services given to the patients (Roboam R. Aguirre, 2019). Improving the existing data systems would therefore see the quality of the services into more improvement. This proposal tables a report on why there is a need to incorporate the use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) into our healthcare facility. This is one of the trending healthcare technologies, (Slabodikim, 2020) .The use of this technology will aid in easing the process of retrieving clients’ health records such as history of treatment, as this information will be fed into a computer. There will therefore be a reduction in the use of paperwork. Also, electronic storage of data will make it easier for researchers to gather information needed in studying given diseases, (Hoffman, 2016).

Stakeholders affected by this Project

Healthcare body comprises of several independent groups that work together in providing quality and effective healthcare services, (Green, 2018). In order to incorporate the use of EMR, these groups have to come together and agree on it. These stakeholders include the following;

  1. Facility management, who will provide for the finances required in the adoption of the EMR system. healthcare providers,
  2. Healthcare providers, as they will provide first-hand information on the shortcomings of using paper work in recording patients’ data. They will use the information to convince other stakeholders on why there is need to adopt EMR. The Information Technology team, which help in the setting and implementation of system. The IT team is directly affected by this project for they are liable of setting up a project that is cost efficient, reliable, and user friendly to ensure all the other stakeholders benefit as desired.
  3. The public. Patients may want to know how they can access their information using the EHR system(Vant, 2017). The role of a nurse is to offer healthcare services to the public, and thus this project has a direct impact on the members of the public.

Patient Outcomes the project is aimed at improving and how the improvement will happen

The use of EHR system will minimize chances of data loses. Consequently, health caregivers will have access to complete information about the patient they are attending to. With all the correct information, like health history of the client, providing proper medical care will be made easier. By looking at a patient’s information from a computer, a quick diagnosis of what the patient is ailing from can be achieved. This is unlike the use of paperwork records, where too much time is taken while looking for the patient’s manual file. EHR will therefore be a lifesaver, in cases of health emergencies. EHR will also improve client outcomes through improvement of patient safety. This is because the system will reduce error occurrences. For instance, EHR system will automatically check for issues that may arise from the prescribed medication and alert clinician of any impending danger on the client, (Portal, 2019) For example, in a case where the patient history indicates that he is allergic to medicines containing Sulphur, the system will alert the clinician when such medicine is assigned to the client.

Required technologies in implementation of the project

For the EHR system to be effective, some technologies have to be put in place. Artificial intelligence will help in enhancing the interoperability of the system. This will minimize chances of the system constantly interrupting the clinician (Portal, 2019). Block chain and Artificial Programing Interfaces (APIs) will also aid in in improving interoperability, (Jason, 2020). EHR scribe tool will also be needed. This virtual assistant tool will make it easier for the healthcare providers to ensure proper documentation at the end of their shift. Improving the system’s usability by optimizing the EHR interface is another technology that will be required (Vant, 2017). Training the staff properly will also be required, so that they can optimally utilize the system. Thus, training technologies will be of great use and relevance into the successful completion and achievement of the project goals. Artificial programming interfaces will be integrated with nursing informatics and other healthcare approaches to come up with a system that conforms to the entire nursing system and processes as desired.

Project team

To successfully complete this project, a number of team members will be required. The project team will comprise of:

  1. A clinical leader whose major role will be coming up with a plan for the system. This leader will also guide in clinical workflow, standardization and also making of key decisions like which is the best EHR system to be selected(Hoffman, 2016).
  2. A project manager who will see into it that assigned tasks are carried out properly and finished on time(Bresnick, 2017). This will also act as a coordinator and facilitator of the group. Evaluation and selection members, whose key responsibility is to identify all the system requirements and carry out an evaluation on the vendor’s product to see whether it meets these requirements(Green, 2018).
  3. System implementation members. These will be tasked with the responsibility of coming up with the design flow, templates, and they will further carry out a test on the design, structures of coding, interfaces, hardware and tool (Hoffman, 2016). This is done to ensure that the set up and processing is accurate, right before the presentation.

A nurse informatics will be a part of the system implementation team, since he is well versed will how the electronic records work, and has the technical know-how of optimizing the system (Bresnick, 2017). Being part of the team, he will ensure that the provider looks into usability issues of the system.


Bresnick, J. (2017). Nurse Informaticists Can “Triage” EHR Optimization Problems. Retrieved from Health Italanalytics:

Green, J. (2018). 5 key stakeholders in your EHR selection. Retrieved from EHR In Practice.:

Hoffman, S. (2016). EHR Systems: Attributes, Benefits, and Shortcomings. In S. Hoffman, EHR Systems: Attributes, Benefits, and Shortcomings (pp. 9-37). Cambridge University Press.

Jason, C. (2020). Top Technology Innovations Supporting EHR Optimization. Retrieved from EHR intelligence:

Portal, H. I. (2019). Improved Diagnostics & Patient Outcomes. Retrieved from

Roboam R. Aguirre, O. S.-G. (2019). Electronic Health Record Implementation. Cureus Journal of Medical Science, 9.

Slabodikim, G. (2020). EHR implementations trend higher among hospitals and doctors. Retrieved from Health Data Management:

Vant, A. (2017). Four Crucial Members of an EHR Implementation Team. Retrieved from EHR In Practise:

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