Nursing Theory Development Assignment

Nursing Theory Development Assignment

Theory is a set of interrelated concepts, based on assumption, woven together through a set of propositional statements (Fitzpatrick, 1997, p. 37) used to provide a perspective on reality.

Purpose: Nursing theory development is a scholarly endeavor pursued systematically. Rigorous development of nursing theories is a high priority for the future of the discipline and the practice of the profession of nursing (McCrae 2012).  This assignment will introduce students to the rigorous steps required in theory development.

Goal: To develop a nursing theory that addresses a phenomenon in the workplace

Objectives: Students will demonstrate knowledge and competencies required for theory development. By meeting the following criteria for this theory development assignment. Students will:

1.Identify workplace, role and identify and define (2) concept(s), describe phenomena as abstract or concrete

Concepts & definitions

  1. Identify and define the concepts theoretically (establish meaning)
  2. Identify and define the concepts operationally (use measurable terms)

Relational statements

  1. Develop theoretical and operational relational statements or propositions to build a theory
  2. theoretical statements (relate concepts to one another; permit analysis)
  3. operational statements (relate concepts to measurements)

Linkages & Ordering provides rationale for the stated connections

  1. Build relationships with linkages between related concepts
  2. Develop theoretical linkages
  3. Develop operational linkages


  1. Alligood, M.R. (2018). Nursing theorists and their works, 9th edition. St. Louis Missouri: Elsevier
  2. Fitzpatrick, J.J. (1997). Nursing theory & metatheory. In I.M. King & J. Fawcett (Eds.). The language of    nursing theory and metatheory, (pp. 37-39). IN Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau.
  3. McCrae, N. (2012). Whither nursing models? The value of nursing theory in in the context of evidence   based practice and multidisciplinary health care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(1), 222-229
  4. Peterson, S.J. & Bredow, T.S. (2009). Middle range theories application to nursing research, 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

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