Political Action Project

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Political Action Project

PSC 105 – Political Action Project: Worth 15% of total semester grade(5% Peer-oriented presentation, 10% Project writeup).

Students will choose a form of political action to take during the semester and outside of the classroom. All projects must be approved by the instructor, however, prior to being initiated to count toward this assignment. Students will seek to use what they’ve learned from the course material to deepen their understanding of the political action they are engaging in and will submit a 500 word write-up reflecting on their experience through the Political Action Project section on D2L. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

In addition, students will present what they learned from their political experience to each other in class at the end of the course on June 18.This assignment is a chance to gain experiential knowledge of politics by getting out into the world and actually engaging in it.

When thinking of what sort of political action to take, consider options that get you excited, passionate and/or curious!

Have you ever wanted to talk to an actual politician? Try attending a campaign event and asking one about their stance on an issue that you care about.

Have you ever thought attending a protest would be exciting? Try taking to the streets, waving a sign and singing along with other protesters.

Are you more interested in making a difference by taking some direct political action? Organize some friends to do a beach clean-up and invite the media.

Are you someone who thinks volunteering is a great way to live your politics? Get in touch with a community group that’s trying to address an issue in the community. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

When you’ve figured out what kind of political action you’re going to take and received the instructor’s approval, get involved as soon as you can. Think about course concepts like the common good, power, the political agenda, citizenship, globalization, ideology, sustainability, efficacy, etc., (key terms listed at the end of each chapter of the textbook will help!) when you’re taking action and talk about them to the other people involved to see what they think about what you’re doing.

The intention of this assignment is to bring these course concepts to life out there in the real world, so engaging real people doing real politics can lead to fascinating conversations and deeper learning than you would get from studying for a test alone.

Write-up should clearly explain the who/what/when/where/how/why of the political action taken, what course concepts the action helped you learn and how the project affected your attitude toward politics.

The write-up does not need to follow an essay format; rather, it should offer a personal and meaningful account of how you tried to make politics.

Students will choose a form of political action to take during the semester and outside of the classroom. All projects must be approved by the instructor, however, prior to being initiated to count toward this assignment. Students will seek to use what they’ve learned from the course material to deepen their understanding of the political action they are engaging in and will submit a 500 word write-up reflecting on their experience through the Political Action Project section on D2L. ORDER YOUR PAPER NOW

In addition, students will present what they learned from their political experience to each other at the end of the course.

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