Probability and Statistics

Probability and Statistics

Describe the study. What was the purpose of the study/or research question(s)?

Meier et al. (2015) study sought to explore experiences of stigma for people who have mental conditions in Canada, London, and Ontario. Also, the study sought to compare experiences of stigma between a Canadian sample and study results in King et al. (2017). This study was the first to use a stigma scale in a Canadian setting.

Both articles use qualitative method. Identify which test statistic was used. Did they use more than one test statistic? Explain

The quantitative research method was used in the (Meier et al., 2015) article. A cross-sectional descriptive comparative design was employed to answer the research question in the study. The study adopted the t-test statistic, which helped determine if significant differences existed between the calculated measures for the Canadian sample and those in the King et al. (2007) report. For this purpose, only the CURA first-year data was collected for this purpose.

Report the statistical results for all tests

The results indicated that there were higher levels of stigma experiences among the UK sample compared to the Canadian sample. A larger portion of the UK sample reported significantly bad feelings about mental disorder experiences (mean difference –0.69, p < .0016), loneliness feelings due to their mental health illnesses (mean difference –0.53, p < .0016), and feeling unworthy and embarrassed of the mental illnesses (mean difference –0.51, p < .0016). Compared to the Canadian sample, the UK sample showed more worry in disclosing their psychological treatments (mean difference –0.51, p < .0016).

Interpret and explain the statistical results. Was the hypothesis supported? Explain

Statistical results showed that both samples experienced stigmas related to mental illness, and study results indicated that fewer stigma experiences were reported in the Canadian sample. The UK sample (King et al., 2007) reported a slightly higher prevalence of personality and schizophrenia disorders. However, neither difference was considered statistically significant.

Describe the limitations to the study and suggestions for future research

This study had several limitations. The first limitation is that the study used cross-sectional data only, and in conducting direct comparisons to King et al. (2007, only data from year one was used in the study. The study ignored the fact that stigma experiences differ over time and tend to be impacted by life circumstances. By gathering data from a single point, experiences variations over time could not be thoroughly examined. Another limitation is that the study data was collected only from Canada via quota sampling, limiting the study from generalizing results to other Canada’s regions.

How do results from this study contribute to research in behavioral health?

The results from this study have a significant implication for behavioral health. The study results imply that stigma experiences are a global concern. People with mental health illnesses experience bad feelings of embarrassment, worry, fear, and psychological stress. The study evidence that mental health people feel limited by this stigma. Due to this, the study recommends the continued use of varied ant-stigma methods to advocate for a stigma-free society.

How will the results of this study impact practice in behavioral health?

The study shows that Canadian psychiatric survivors continue to experience mental illness stigma, impacting behavioral health practice differently. The study necessitates the incorporation of anti stigma into the Canadian behavioral health methods. This will help write off the misconceptions about the connection between mental disorders and violence, both for the members of public and the psychiatric survivors. Also, this will promote mental health, patient safety, and the provision of quality care.


King, M., Dinos, S., Shaw, J., Watson, R., Stevens, S., & Passeti, F. (2007). The Stigma Scale: Development of a standardized measure of the stigma of mental illness. British Journal of Psychiatry, 190, 248-254.

Lee, S., & Lee, E. (2020). Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Group Program for Mental Health Promotion of University Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3500. doi:

Meier, A., Csiernik, R., Warner, L., & Forchuk, C. (2015). The stigma scale: A Canadian perspective. Social Work Research, 39(4), 213-222. doi: